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Hello, everyone!
I started a story with the same title a few weeks ago, but I hated it. So I ended up deleting the chapter after reading it again.
I decided to write a new one focusing in an end that I have on my mind.
Hopefully you are going to enjoy it.


Another press conference happened. Lady Gaga was leaving the space where it happened

as the paparazzi surrounded her and her partner in the movie, Bradley Cooper.

Bradley was happier than ever. On the other hand, Gaga didn't seem to be in the mood to

talk to anyone, not even to the fans who were waiting for her outside.

"Jesus! They are excited to see you," Bradley chuckled after they got inside the van they would be sharing on the way to the hotel.

"Mhmm," Gaga only mumbled, going to the back of the van. Bradley frowned as he watched her passing by him. He never understood why she was acting so cold towards him. Bradley never did anything to her. He could not remember what could possibly have made her so upset.

Bradley looked back to see Gaga taking a seat while she held her phone next to her ear, but then he got his attention back outside. Gaga's fans were crazy. He never saw anything similar in all his career. They were screaming and knocking on the windows, calling for their idol. Bradley stared at Bobby, who seemed concerned.

"No, Chris! I won't have time to meet, but maybe in a few days," Gaga was saying on the phone, a little annoyed by the conversation and also by all the yelling outside.

"What is going on there?" Christian Carino, her boyfriend, asked on the phone.

"I am in the van that is supposed to take us to the hotel, but the fans won't let us go. They are all around it," Gaga sighed as she got up off the seat. "Hang for a minute. I am going to talk to them."

"Wait, Stef!" Christian tried to call for Gaga, but she didn't listen. Gaga tried to walk to the

front of the car, but the fans swung the van, making it shake.

Bobby heard a muffled cry as he turned back to see what happened. That was when he found out that Gaga fell on the floor. "Gaga! Oh, my God!" Bobby yelled as he got up to help

his boss, but Bradley was faster than him. As soon as he noticed that Gaga passed out, Bradley ran to help her.

"Gaga!" Bradley called her as he gently tapped her face a few times. "Gaga!"

"Oh, no! Gaga! What happened?" Sarah Tanno approached them. "What happened to her? Is that blood?" Sarah began to cry as Bobby took her to the front of the van.

"Shit!" Bradley sat on the floor and carefully moved Gaga, placing her head on his legs.

"Where is all the blood coming?" Bobby squatted next to Gaga's body as Bradley began to

look for the blood through her hair.

The security team outside handled the crowd, and the van was able to finally leave. "She

hit her head. She needs a doctor!" Bradley said as he finally found where Gaga was hurt.

"I am going to call a doctor to meet us there," Bobby said as he began to dial a number.

"Is there any water here?" Bradley asked, looking around.

"Here!" Freddie, who was dealing with Sarah, promptly handed Bradley a bottle of water.

Bradley opened it and poured the water on the cut, cleaning the spot where she was hurt.

After calling the emergency, Bobby opened a small bag with a first aid kit inside to find cotton and press the cut with it, trying to stop the bleeding.

"Do we have ice here?" Bobby shook his head, so Bradley took the water bottle that was still cold and placed it on Gaga's head, right where she cut it. "I don't want it to get swollen," Bradley explained. "How long until we get to the hotel?"

"Mmm," Bobby stared at his phone. "Half an hour, I think."

Bradley nodded, resting his back on the arm of one of the seats while he began to press

the cotton and the bottle of water in her head. "You can go and rest," Bradley said, heavily

breathing. "I watch her until we get there."

"Are you sure, man? You are tired. I can do it if you want."

Bradley forced a smile as he shook his head. Bobby nodded, not convinced that Bradley should handle that. Anyway, he sat next to them, using his phone to make sure a team of doctors would be at the hotel.

"What did I do to you, huh?" Bradley asked himself on his thoughts as he observed Gaga's face, putting a lock of hair behind her ear. Bradley had no idea what happened between them that made Gaga so upset at him. 

Bradley was so tired from all the interviews that he almost fell asleep with Gaga resting her head on his legs. He realized they arrived when the driver turned off the car.

“Come on! Let’s get her inside,” Bobby said as he got up to help Bradley, but the actor stopped him.

“I can handle it!”

Bradley carefully got up with Gaga in his arms and quickly took her inside before the paparazzi arrived there. “Everyone is going to be alright!” Bradley whispered as soon as he placed her in the bed.

 “Everyone is going to be alright!” Bradley whispered as soon as he placed her in the bed

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