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"Everything is going to be alright!" Bradley whispered as soon as he placed her in the bed. "Where's the doctor?"

"He is coming. I don't think it is a big deal, but it is good to get Gaga checked. I'll be right back."

Bradley nodded at Bobby, who left the room, leaving both alone in the room. Bobby didn't allow anyone else in there besides Bradley. Bradley sat next to Gaga as he stared at her. She looked just like a helpless child. Once again, Bradley asked himself what happened that made Gaga treat him like strangers, but he could not think of an answer. After all, Gaga was the only one who could answer that. He smiled, "You might think I am an idiot," Bradley mumbled as he looked at nowhere.

Bobby came with the doctor a few minutes later. "What happened?" the man asked, staring at Bradley.

"They started to swing the van... When I realized she was on the ground."

"Mmm, ok," the doctor observed Gaga and approached to see the cut. "The cut is shallow. I don't think she is in danger."

"Why did she pass out?" Bobby asked.

"Low pressure due to the shock. I am going to check the pressure and put on a dressing. A healing ointment might be enough. How did you stop the blee..."

"Cotton and cold water," Bradley interrupted him.

"Great. It won't swell. Maybe a little," the doctor said as he checked her pressure. "She seems fine to me," he looked at the equipment, then got up after removing it from her arm. The doctor cleaned the blood off her head and put a new dressing on the cut, then he wrote a prescription and handed it to Bobby. "For the pain."

Bobby nodded as he read it. "Thank you, doctor."

"Call me if she needs anything. She is going to be fine, but she needs someone to stay here, just in case."

The doctor left, and Bobby took a seat on the bed next to his boss. "Well, I think you can rest now."

"No way! I can stay here with her," Bradley said.

Bobby sighed. He knew Bradley would not give up on that idea. Why does he even care? Bobby thought but said nothing. He decided to leave after saying good night. Bobby wasn't sure how Gaga would react to that, but he was also tired. At least he would get some rest too.


Gaga woke and sat upon the bed. She rubbed her eyes, then looked around, feeling a little dizzy, her vision still blurry from the sleeping. Christ, Gaga mumbled, touching the side of her head, feeling the dressing attached to it. She couldn't remember anything from last night besides that she fell in the van. She had an expression of confusion in her face. Gaga stared at Bradley uncomfortably sleeping on her side.

"Poor thing," Gaga thought as he saw him moving as he almost fell off the bed. Bradley got up, a little scared.

"Stef... Are you ok?" Bradley asked.

"I feel dizzy," Gaga answered as she rested one of her hands on her head. "But I am fine. What are you doing here with me?"

"You hit your head."

"Well, that is obvious! It feels like I drank a bottle of tequila," Bradley smirked at Gaga. "I want to know why you are here."

"It is a long story," he walks to a food cart placed near the bed. "It seems like someone needs to eat. There's soup here. It is still warm."

"Right on time!"

Bradley smiled at her. "Then stay there. I am going to hand it to you."

"Eh... Sure!" Gaga frowned as she watched Bradley placing a tray on her legs. Then he walked back to the cart as he realized he forgot the spoon. "While I eat," Gaga started saying after Bradley gave her the spoon. "Can you explain everything to me?" She asked, making circles on the soup. Gaga tried to eat the soup, but as soon as she tried to lift her arm, she moaned in pain. "Fuck! I can't even eat."

"Let me help you!" Bradley smiled as he took the spoon off Gaga's hand. "Here comes the airplane! Open your mouth."

Gaga laughed as Bradley began to feed her. Both didn't realize someone went inside the room while Bradley helped Gaga.



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