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“What a beautiful scene!”

“Shut up!” Gaga exclaimed as soon as she realized her sister was in her room. “How did you get in here?” 

Gaga asked Natali, who waved the keycard in her hand. “Apparently, Bradley was so concerned that he forgot about it. Bobby had it, and I got it with him,” Natali made a pause as she walked towards her sister. “How are you?” 

“Good. I still don’t know what happened.”

“Your fans got crazy, and you fell in the van. You are fine, thanks to this guy here,” Natali touched his shoulder. 

“I did nothing,” Bradley shook his head. “I did what I had to.”

“Thank you, Bradley!” Gaga looked at him in the eyes. Bradley could tell how long it had been since the last time she looked in his eyes.

Bradley shyly smiled at her as he nodded. 

“I never thought I would see that scene, though.”

“He was just trying to be nice because my arm hurts.”

“I know, I know!” Natali decided to stop teasing since Gaga and Bradley were blushing. “You guys had a press conference, but Bobby thought it would be better to cancel.”

“Ok. I am sorry!” Gaga stared at Bradley.

“About what? You are injured. I would not allow you to work like that.”

Gaga shyly smiled as she heard her phone ringing. “Would you mind, Nat?”

Natali promptly grabbed her sister’s phone from the bedside table as she looked at the screen. “It is Chris.”

Gaga rolled her eyes. “I won’t answer him now,” Natali made a funny face. “What?”

“Whatever… It is your relationship, and I have nothing to do with it. You should call mom and dad, by the way. They are concerned.”

“I do it later,” Gaga said, visibly annoyed. “Christ, it seems like I am dying. I just want to rest.”

“Mmm… Yeah, I think you should do it. Huh… I am going now. I will grab lunch later if you want to join…”

“Sure!” Gaga smiled. “Thanks again.”

Bradley nodded, returning the smile, and left, leaving the two women alone. Natali jumped in the bed with her sister, then took a deep breath. “Wow!”

“What?” Gaga asked. 

“That man! What the hell. Is he even real?” Natali giggled as Gaga rolled her eyes.

“He was just being decent. He doesn’t deserve a prize for that.”

“Come on, girl! He deserves a prize only for existing,” Gaga smirked as she stared at her phone. “And what’s the deal with Chris? He is also concerned about you.”

“I am not in the mood for his man crap. I am sure it is all on the news, and he is not even concerned if I am fine or not. He wants to know why Bradley stayed the night with me.”

“That’s not true,” Natali giggled. “I am going to have some breakfast. Join me?”

“Sure. This soup tastes like nothing,” Natali smiled. “I am going to get ready. I will meet you downstairs.”


Gaga took a shower before leaving the room. Her arm was still ill, but she was able to get dressed without problems. Gaga was wearing a sweatshirt and yoga pants, and she put a cap on so she could hit the dressing on her head.

Gaga found her team and Natali having breakfast and joined them. After eating, Gaga filled a glass with juice and headed outside. There was a nice pool at the hotel, and the weather was incredibly nice that day. Gaga closed her eyes for a brief moment to hear the birds singing, then she took a seat in a sunbed. 

“Beautiful, huh?” 

Gaga looked around to find the person talking to her. Her eyes saw Bradley sitting at a table and under a beach umbrella. He made her a sign to join him, and Gaga did it. She walked towards the table and took a seat next to him.

“Where’s everyone? It seems so empty around here. Especially in a day like this.”

Gaga asked, and Bradley only shrugged while she stared at him. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a white shirt. Gaga frowned at him when she noticed he was wearing glasses. 

“What?” Bradley asked and chuckled. 

“I didn’t know you wore glasses.”

“There’s a lot about me that you don’t know yet,” he made a pause, with a smirk on his face. “Shouldn’t you be resting?”

“I am resting. I just ate. Just needed some air…”

Gaga was interrupted by a waiter. He was passing and stood next to them, asking if they wanted anything. The man, who didn’t recognize them, decided to make sure if their orders were correct.

“Pancakes with maple syrup for you, sir. And another juice for your girlfriend.”

While the waiter left, Bradley made a funny face as he stared at Gaga, who smirked, trying to hold a laugh.

“What an idiot,” Bradley said as Gaga was still smirking. 

“He didn’t know.”

“Yeah,” Bradley mumbled.

Once again, they were interrupted, this time by Gaga’s smartphone that started ringing. She stared at the screen as she rolled her eyes. “Christian…,” she impatiently mumbled.

 “Christian…,” she impatiently mumbled

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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