Welcome to marzipan city

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Marzipan City, yeah its nice but that's just it's cover though it nothing but it's kinda crime infested though. It has a beautiful and dark atmosphere as we see a delivery boy walking up to a door.

Knock knock knock

(?) who's there?
(?)Mung Daal's Pizza

Opens the door

(C) hi I'm chowder the delivery boy and you owe me 12 dollops. Plus a tip
(?) fine (gives him a bag full of dollops) it's all in there.
(C) feels a little light you holding back on me mister.
(?) no no no I'm not would ya look here I found another bag of dollops and just for you here take this one too.

(C)thanks mister (gives him his pizza) enjoy your food mister.
(?) thank you thank you thank you young man might I get your name?
(C) okay my name's Chowder. And that's you need to know.

(?) oh thanks c cee ya round.
(C) oh boy (walks off)

The purple rabbit/bear/cat thing walked to a building that had a lantern on it saying mung daal's pizzeria. (Walks inside) he was greeted by an old fairy.

(?) hey chowder how'd the delivery go.
(C) oh it went well truffles he tried to shorten me but he ended up giving me extra as a "tip" hehe.(pulls out a bunch of bags filled with dollops)

(T) nice haul your on a roll there now go see what my idiot husband needs if he doesn't need anything come back and get your pay for the month and you're done for the night.

He walks into a kitchen seeing a factory like style oven and two beings closing up shop for the night.

(C) hey mung and schnitzel you guys done for the night.
(S) Radda Radda.
(M) yeah so how'd it go you had any trouble with that junkie.

(C) nah he felt a little generous though.
(M) that's my boy. Go on and get out of here we'll close up for the night.
(S) Radda!
(M) oh shut up we can finish in a few minutes now.

He walks back into the lobby and picks up his pay it felt a little heavier than usual then he looks at truffles.

(T) happy birthday chowder.
(C) thanks truffles.
(T) now get out of here I don't wanna get mushy with you.

He walked out the building and walked to a building were he was staying after he got up to his door he felt someone was behind him with a knife pointed at his back and sighed.

(C) *in his mind* c'mon I just wanna lay down.

As he used his tail to knock the knife out of the mysterious persons hand and hit them with a back hand causing the person to fall unconscious.

(C) well I can't leave him here.

So he kicks him down a staircase the sound of his neck breaking could be heard. And he walks into his building for the night.

(C)finally I can enjoy a night of relaxation but first I need something to eat. I have tomorrow off I think I'll go shopping and get that out of the way.

And he proceeded to cook himself a meal. And went to bed

The next morning he was walking through the market picking up a couple of things until he was called over by a wooly mammoth in his stand.

(C) oh hey gazpacho what-
(G) happy happy birthday happy happy birthday to you🎵

(Gives him a six pack of fizzy fruit sodas)

(C) wow fizzy fruit I haven't seen this In along time thanks gazpacho.
(G) no problem lil buddy I still remember the day we met.
(C) no time for a flashback I gotta get these things home I'll talk later gazpacho thanks for the fizzy fruit.

(G) remember not shake them chowder...sweet kid.. oh sir I didn't see ya there what can I help you wit-(gets knocked out by a punch.)

(?) I'll just help myself then.


(C) man today was extremely calm (hears gunshots and screaming going on) I just had to open my mouth.

Knock knock

(C) oh hi schnitzel what's up.
(S) Radda (hands him three boxes of pizza and his arm patch.) Radda Radda.
(C) does this count as overtime?

Schnitzel ran jumped out of one the building window's. And he kept running until he was out of site.

(C) guess not.

Cut to a random warehouse.

(?) esteemed marzipan debt collectors and apprentices we're here to announce that this years hunt will be brutal so we have to be even more brutally especially towards them grab your weapons grab your vehicles and grab your pens and let us begin.

As they all rushed out through the doors tunnels and hell even through the windows all that was left was a green rat with a candle on top of his head.

(?) Gorgonzola what are you still here for get on out there go on get get.

(Picks him up and throws him threw the doors)

(Gorg) grrr he's lucky I need this job...now let's get this over with a city called marzipan huh that's gonna take all day.

(?) no it ain't (picks him up and throws him towards marzipan city)
(Gorg) I hate youuu (fades away)

As he landed in marzipan he went through a building at least three times in a row. Finally landing in a pond.

(Gorg) man I hate when he does that (groans)
(?) hey kid you okay.
(Gorg) *whisper* oh I know you

He smiled at the man and collected what he owed some put up a little problem and he dealt with them before they had the chance to do anything

Later on

Gorgonzola was walking through the market when he sees a purple bear/rabbit/cat thing.

(Gorg) What the fuck is that? Never thought I'd see something as weird as that.
(C) hmm?...anyway here you gazpacho (gives him a pizza box)

He caught him looking

(Gorg) oh shit.

Luckily chowder had walked off and he took this chance and walked up to the stand where he was as he walked the sun went down and the night arose. And lanterns were lit it was a beautiful scene as he walked through he saw one of the people that purple thing was talking too earlier.

(Gorg) Hey.
(G) whoa kid you gotta wait the reader has to get some time to get here.
(Gorg) What in the Fu-
(G) whoaaa they're kids ya know potty mouth.   let them get here

15 minutes later

(G) oh you're here readers good alright kid carry on with the story. Now what happens next ....oh no
(Gorg) oh yeah I'm gonna enjoy this
(G) please don't

Gazpacho screams off screen or panel whatever you wanna say. Meanwhile in the distance chowder was making some deliveries he turns around and looks at the readers and smiles.

(C) welcome to marzipan city!

End of Chapter 1.

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