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|Earth 7187 a.k.a. Ben Tennyson's Universe|

Logan's POV:
I just got back to my hometown and what I saw made my heart stop. My home was in flames and the screams of the citizens were heard. "No." I said as I ran home to make sure nothing has happened to my friends, family, and my girlfriend Mia. But when I got there my house was destroyed and I saw them all on the ground, "No, please. Not my family." I said as I found my dad and saw his Omnitrix was destroyed. "Dad." I said as I then saw my cousin and best friend with their hands intertwined. "Lexa, Mike. Who could have done this?" I asked.

"Tennyson." A voice said as I remembered that voice and turned to see a figure walk through the flames and was revealed to be none other than Magnus Enforcer. "You! Why!?!" I exclaimed angry and furious with what he has done. "This could have been avoided if you have given me your Omnitrix." Magnus said. 

"And give you the power to destroy and conquer the universe. No. But my family and friends... Wait, where's Mia?!" I asked angrily. He smirked then showed his right arm with my girlfriend in his hand, near death and was barely conscious. "MIA!" I shouted as I activated my Omnitrix, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you want your lover to live." Magnus said.

I froze as my heart stopped as I saw Mia open her eyes and Magnus threw her to me. I held her in my arms and brushed her hair out of her eyes. "Mia, I am so sorry." I said, "It's... not... your fault... Whatever... happens... never give up... and promise me... that you will... find love again..." Mia said as she pushed me out of the way as Magnus thrusted his sword towards me and impaled Mia right in front of me. 

"NO!" I shouted as Magnus laughed and threw Mia off his blade and I ran over to her. "Mia, please no." I said as she took shallow breathes as she smiles at me. "Promise... to always... keep your... promise to me... I will... always... love... you." Mia said as she stopped breathing and went limp in my arms.

"No. Please, Mia. Come back." I said as tears rolled down my face holding my dead girlfriend in my arms as I screamed in pain and anger. "This could have been avoided. Now give me the Omnitrix. Your father's is worthless to me now that he had it self-destruct." Magnus said. I laid Mia down and closed her eyes as I then stood up and then glared daggers at Magnus. "You took everything from me. My home, my friends, my family, and now my girlfriend. Now, YOU'LL PAY!" I shouted as I turned into the one alien that could help me stop Magnus once and for all. "Alien X! You're going to pay for what you've done!" I shouted as I teleported behind him and punched him to the right with a hard hit to his side.

 "Alien X! You're going to pay for what you've done!" I shouted as I teleported behind him and punched him to the right with a hard hit to his side

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I teleported again and caught Magnus in my hand and slammed him into the ground. I then continuously punched him over and over again at inhumane speeds. I roared in anger as I punched him harder and harder which resulted in his blood being spilled. I then grabbed his throat as my normal silver eyes turned blood red from anger and rage. "YoU tOoK eVeRyThInG fRoM mE! NoW, yOu WiLl PaY fOr WhAt YoU hAvE dOnE!" I said as my voice had changed as well. "Go ahead. Kill me. But you should know, once you do, I will have won." Magnus said as he laughed as I narrowed my eyes as I realized he was right.

My eyes returned to being silver and I let go of Magnus. "What are you doing? Kill me. Take your revenge!" Magnus shouted. "You're right. If I kill you, then you would have won. That's why I won't kill you. But I will send you somewhere where you will no longer be a threat to the entire universe. Enjoy the Phantom Zone." I said as I slammed my hands together and opened a portal that sucked Magnus into it. "This isn't over Tennyson. One day, I will be free. Then I will destroy you and take what is mine." Magnus said as he went into the portal and I closed it once he was inside it. I returned to my destroyed home and used my powers to gather everyone there and teleported us all to the cemetery where I created enough graves for my family, friends, and the love of my life.

Once I buried them all, I turned back to my human form and fell to my knees in sadness and let the pain and tears finally roll out of me. "I am so sorry I wasn't here to help." I said as I looked at the graves of my loved ones. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Professor Paradox and Azmuth on his shoulder. "Logan, words can't express at how sorry we are for your tragic loss." Paradox said, "Paradox is right. If I had known that Magnus would have gone this far, I would have sent him to the Phantom Zone myself all those years ago. I am truly sorry." Azmuth said.

"If I were allowed to use Alien X to bring them back, I would. But I can't." I said as I looked at Mia's grave and remembered her final words. To continue living and to one day find love once again. I looked at Paradox and Azmuth, "I need a new start. I can't stay here anymore." I said as they understood my position. "There is a dimension that we discovered. One that has humans like ours, but most of them have a unique ability to manipulate the elements, earth, fire, water, air, metal, lightning, lava, even a horrendous ability to manipulate someone's own blood. But that one was made illegal by a water manipulator named Katara. In this dimension there is one human with the power to manipulate more than one element. This individual is called the Avatar. And this dimension needs more than just the Avatar in order to survive and find balance." Azmuth said.

"Azmuth and I can open a rift to this dimension. When you are ready to leave, we will open it so you can start anew. But promise us that you will continue being a hero." Paradox said, "I will. I need to make sure that what happened to my friends and family doesn't happen to anyone else." I said. "Very well. But before you go, I have something for you. A new version of the Omniforcetrix that I was already going to give to you. Hold out your left arm." Azmuth said as I did what he said and he turned the dial on the device that was on my left arm.

A few moments later, it glowed and changed as it accepted the new programming as it became more like what my father's Omnitrix was but it also had silver and black along with green in the design. "This version of the Omniforcetrix utilizes the functions of the previous Ultimatrix and a few other things. Be sure to use it wisely. I will miss you greatly Logan Kai Tennyson. Savior of the universe." Azmuth said. I nodded my head but sighed. "But I couldn't save them. Now its time for me to find something new to help me move on." I said as we went back to my home and I salvaged what I could and I found a letter addressed to me from Mia. I opened it and read it.

"Dear Logan, If you're reading this, then something has happened to me. I know being your girlfriend would come with it's own risks. But I will always love you. No matter what happens to me, always promise to protect those who need it and to one day find love again if I am no longer around. Love always, Mia Lane."

I teared up and found a photo of us and of my family and friends. I packed up what I could find and made my way over to Paradox and Azmuth who have a machine ready to open the rift for me to go to this new world. "Are you ready young Tennyson?" Paradox asked me, "Yeah, I'm ready." I said as Paradox and Azmuth opened the rift and I sighed. I took one last look at my world and sighed, 'I promise Mia, I will keep my promise to you.' I thought as I said my final goodbyes to Paradox and Azmuth before walking into the rift and entered a new page of my life to start a new life somewhere where my old enemies won't bring harm to the innocent. Little did I know that my adventure would start off by running into a certain blind earth bender.

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