The Ninja called Eisan

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In a small town lived a young boy called Eisan. He was very studious and trained under his master for hours on end. The old man that taught him was very strict and wouldn't hesitate to punish the young boy when he failed to be as good as the master wanted him to be...

One day, our young hero was so tired he decided to cheat. Instead of doing the exercises he slept and lazily watched the clouds... The old master saw this and decided to teach the young ninja a lesson.

Later that day, Okuni was in danger and Eisan having been lazy and not doing he's training properly could not save her. The master swoop in and saved the day. Eisan was terrified and swore never to cheat on his training again.

Eisan became a world-famous ninja after that and went on to marry a young samurai named Kita

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