Ildril, The frog prince

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Once upon a time, there was a little child named Ildril... He was a bit cowardly and hid from everything... One day, there came an army of frogs... the frogs' people told Idril that they had a way for him to become the prince of the frog and Marry the beautiful Elias... Elias was a little boy from the next town over that Ildril loved but was too scared to ask on a date. The frogs devised challenges for the young to be a prince... The first challenge was to defeat a huge monster... It was very scary and slimy. Ildril ran over and screamed as loud as he could and the monster was so dumb-founded he ran from the young hero. The second challenge was even harder... Our young hero had to make some food for himself and the frogs... So he baked some cookies and gave some to Elias too... the younger boy blushed and accepted the cookies. The second challenge was even harder... Our young hero had to make some food for himself and the frogs... So he baked some cookies and gave some to Elias too... the younger boy blushed and accepted the cookies. The final challenge was maybe the hardest of them all... He had to ask out Elias on a date. The two boys went to a small cavern next to a lake and both talked... Then Ildril asked out Elias and the two boys shared a true love kiss... They both got back to the frogs and became the two princes of the frogs.

The end

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