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"She was never the calm in my hurricane,

But the winds that destroyed me,

And made me rebuild every piece of myself,

When she crashed down on me,

As though the world had fallen on my shoulders,

And broke my back,

As well as my heart"


The sun, oh the glorious sun shone with grace and elegance down on my face and the wind through my hair tracing down my back keeping me at the perfect temperature, I can't believe this is my life, work in the cafe, go to the beach, return to the villa... repeat,

Not to mention hook up with whichever nieve yet hot university girl comes to visit and 'experiment' with their sexuality to prove they aren't boring...

I had an easy life and I was ok with that... in fact as we speak one of these girls emerged from the sea, water dripping from her sun-bleached blonde hair and her neon pink bikini saturated revealing a slight glance of her nipples, truth be told I don't even know her name... but honestly sex is good so I couldn't care less.

'the water is nice' she flipped her hair over her red shoulders and sat on my lap passing me a bottle of sunscreen, I never usually do anything for these girls but ill make an exception if it means getting in her knickers... I squirted a dollop on my surprisingly warm hands and massaged it sensually into her damp back making sure to get into every crack and crevice,

'you like that?' she nodded and turned to me to kiss me, I placed my hand against her lips and pushed myself away, now I lay on the sand away from the girl. You see that was one of my rules... I don't kiss them, because kissing leads to feelings and feelings lead to love and my life is too good and easy-going for something as horribly complicated as love. 'i don't kiss sorry' I sat up and placed a Versace towel around my waistline and began walking, realising she wasn't coming I looked over my shoulder,

'well, are you coming?' I asked she shook her head to my surprise 'well suit yourself' ugh I rubbed sunscreen into her back for nothing, at least I got a couple of good days out of the supermodel looking, student. 

on top of the mountain lay a cafe or bar I guess you could call it, in which I attended every single night without fail, it was filled with pensioners and nice french village people some of whom I am close enough with to call family by now.

I ambled inside to find a camera crew IN MY BAR I think not, I went and sat at the bar on a stool and turned to Adonis or Donny the old man who tended the bar from time to time,

'what's going on Donny?' i asked looking at the camera crew squinting my eyes grabbing some nuts from the counter and throwing them into my mouth as I was starving then I glanced back to the senior man 'they are filming urm un movie' he spoke with an accent and broken English but I could always understand him perfectly, 'in Goza?' i turned back to them sipping on my wine which Donny had sneakily slipped into my hand searching for someone who looked to have authority however unsuccessfully 'yes y/n in Goza' his eyes clapped with mine whilst his frail lips let out a slight sigh.

'do you want me to tend the bar for a bit and you sit down Don? you are an old feller after all' i offered because he struggled with arthritis and could see him struggling to stand he chuckled his grey whispy moustache moving along with his pink lips 'if you would y/n that would urm be bueno' i smiled and helped him to his table across the way before standing behind the bar and watching the crew set up cameras... I crossed my arms on the counter leaning against it with all my weight.

Suddenly a young blonde tanned girl who I'm assuming was from the crew approached, wow she's gorgeous, ok y/n use your charm in 3...2...1 go!

'hey, gorgeous how can I help you?' I looked into her eyes making her roll them in return, ok that didn't work let's see what she replies 'My director wants to speak to you' she pointed at me her long nails almost pointing deep into my soul, or th...

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'hey, gorgeous how can I help you?' I looked into her eyes making her roll them in return, ok that didn't work let's see what she replies 'My director wants to speak to you' she pointed at me her long nails almost pointing deep into my soul, or that's what it felt like at least...

'talk to me whatever for?' i turned away to see Donny asleep, at that moment I knew I was going to have to talk to them, great job Don! my thoughts sarcastic as usual...

'Because she just does how the fuck should I know' she chewed her gum obnoxiously drumming her fingers on the table almost aggressively,

'Well she can come to me if you're going to be like that' i wasn't going to back down from this girl and it was clear she needed me so I was obviously going to win, she rolled her eyes yet again and walked outside her ass bouncing behind her, to my surprise coming back with someone, she was medium height around 5'6 brunette green eyes but way too old for my liking, but don't get me wrong pretty fucking gorgeous... looked like the married type though.

'Hi I'm Angelina urm Jolie I'm the director' she put her hand out requesting a shake from mine 'y/n' i knew I heard the name Angelina Jolie somewhere before but I didn't really watch tv so couldn't place her in any movies,

she shook my hand her palms skinny and vein covered yet long and attractive 'so urm what does the big American director want from yours truly, a drink?' i smiled suspecting she was thirsty she refused to return the smile instead said 'i spoke to someone called Don on the phone and he said we could use the bar' i pointed to the sleeping Donny whose head was now resting on the table 'would that be the legend who agreed to these terms' i smirked at him and his sleeping schedule 'yes that's him so yeah we will need the use of your bar' she looked so drained maybe Gonza would do her some good.

'cool' i already don't like her and that huge ring on her finger, I knew she looked like the married type! 'oh and I will have one water please' i sarcastically grinned at her forcing a smile while retrieving a bottle of water from the mini-fridge '$1.60' i told as a man slowly approached behind her, now him I recognised from the cover of a magazine I had seen days prior it was Brad Pitt.

she handed me the money and turned to who I'm assuming is her husband judging by the married look they gave each other... you know the one where there's no love there they are just staying together for the kids. that one...

'Thank you y/n' she let out a slight smile and looked me up and down, shit was my bikini see-through or something? yep, it was... Great just great!

 Great just great!

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