Teacher's Pet

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Four words. Oh. My. Freaking. Gosh.

This girl—


To be honest, i don't really know if i should call her my friend or my mortal enemy.

Because somehow, she manages to be both.

I'm giving everyone in my book fake names, so her fake name is gonna be... Bobbette.

She is the one. The one that always raises her hand in class, every second, and if she doesn't even know the answer, she still raises her hand, then says: "Oh, i forgot."

Honestly, she thinks that she is so freaking smart, but she isn't as smart as she thinks she is. I'm not saying that she is stupid or anything of that matter, but she thinks that she is some sort of genius.

She isn't extremely humble, but she doesn't start saying: "I am a genius!" which i like about her.

It really bothers me that she constantly interrupts whoever raised their hand to answer a question.

"Yes, Joshua?"

"I think the answer is 67, because of the two divisions and then the addition, it all eventually leads up to—"

"Yeah, i think that is right. It should be. Yeah, it is." interrupts arrogant little Bobbette.

Ugh. Geez. No. Please.

That frustrates me to the point where i want to reveal to the teacher everything that she's done to me, which i almost do every time that happens.

I have a few bad experiences with her, and this is the first...

A few days ago, we had a project where we had to make up a legend and write it. It had to be something about a certain body part or characteristic of an animal and we had to write about how it got there and what happened.

I, for one, was super excited because i liked creative writing and stuff like that really interested me. Just as i walked over to get a sheet to brainstorm on, Bobbette poked me on the shoulder.

"What's your idea?"

I sat back down, a neutral expression on my face. I decided to trust her, and tell her my idea.

"I'll tell you, but you first."


She went on with her idea, which didn't actually suck. It was pretty good.

"I love that, Bobbette! It's gonna be great! Now, here's my idea:"

I told her my idea and then she said: "Wow, hope you have fun writing about that, it sounds cool!"

We smiled and went on with our work, and i thought nothing about that anymore that day.

Just yesterday, we were working on our project about the legend again. I was peacefully working, when Bobbette said my name.

She told me to look over her brainstorm page and for me to tell her if it was good or not.

"I'm sure it'll be good, judging by your cool idea, but ok," i giggled.

As she showed me her sheet and i scanned over it, my mouth dropped in shock as i noticed something: she has completely copied my idea. The same animal, the same characteristic, just showing it a little bit differently then me.

My eyes started to water out of nowhere, i must have felt a lot of pain that i didn't acknowledge when i saw her sheet.

"Bobbette, you copied me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2015 ⏰

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