Please, Son Chaeyoung (6)

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Mrs. Son is flipping through the channel when she hears the bell rings, then three soft knocks are heard, "Chaeyoungie, Mina is here!"

But then she lightly taps on her own forehead, "Wait up! Chaeyoungie stay in your room!" Seungwan forgets that her daughter is unable to walk freely at the moment.

With light but quick steps, Seungwan goes to the door, "Hi Mina."

Mina turns around as she was looking at her own house, expecting their other friends, her skirt follows her movement, "Hello Mrs. Son, is Chaeyoung ready?"

The door is opened wider, "It's Aunt for you, Mina. Sure, but I told her to stay in her room, do you mind getting her?" With a smile Mina nods and steps in, "Okay, Aunt Seungwan. No, I don't mind, of course let me get her. Excuse me then."


A slight nod excuses Mina, she walks in and ascends the stairs, then she knocks at the door on her right, "Chaeng?"

"Mmm, Minari, can you help me?" Mina wastes no time, she opens the door only to find Chaeyoung's back in her underwear, "Uh, can you, you know?"

Thankfully Chaeyoung isn't looking at her, no one should see how red Mina is when she sees her best friend's bareback.

"Minari?" Mina walks closer and Chaeyoung's scent intoxicates her, she runs her fingers over Chaeyoung's shoulders to the back, it gets tensed right away, "Hurry up, it's cold."

In one swift motion, the bra is clasped and Mina now takes the long sleeve shirt, "Turn around." Chaeyoung follows the order then Mina helps her to put on her outfit.

"Sorry for the hassle, my wrist still hurts." The older girl takes another pants that is looser so it will be easier for Chaeyoung to wear, "You sure you don't want to stay home?"

A frown makes her way onto Chaeyoung's face, "Please, I'm bored. I've finished my homework, more like Mom wrote it for me, I have to spell everything for her and here I am thinking Mom is smarter than me."

"But-" Smoothly Chaeyoung put an arm on Mina's shoulder, "Have you eaten? I'm famished, what do you have in store?"

It works like magic, now Mina is thinking what she had bought earlier for the gathering, "Mmm, I think we have spaghetti and mmm, soda?"

"Perfect! I've been wanting spaghetti, is it 'The Spaghetti'?" The older girl smiles at that, slowly she sneaks her arm on Chaeyoung's waist, leaving no gap between them, "Shut up."

"So, it is! Your numero uno cook that I love, oh my God, can't wait! Can we speed up?!" Though smiling, Mina pinches the younger girl's waist a bit, "No, you're injured and let's not be too excited over anything."

"Alright, princess."

"Stop calling me princess."

"But you are, you've acted like one since a decade ago."

"We're grown ups now, stop."

Chaeyoung holds Mina tighter as they descend the stairs, "That won't stop me calling you that." Mina sighs as she also holds Chaeyoung tighter, "I might think-" It was low, Mina sounds unsure.

Chaeyoung gets what it was, "Alright wicked witch." Mina smiles, Chaeyoung always understands but she pinches the waist once again as they arrive at the ground floor, "Can you just call me like usual?!"

There was a slight hum before, "Stupid penguin?"

"No, It's 'Minari', you dumbhead cub!" Another pinch.

Please, Son Chaeyoung!Where stories live. Discover now