Please, Son Chaeyoung! (3)

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Loud steps fill the homey house of Son Family, "Slow down, honey!" With the reprimand from Son Seungwan, the girls hush each other and walk slower towards the shortest girl's room.

Chips and cokes are served, Chaeyoung takes them piece by piece slowly, clearly not focusing on her homework, "Alright, what is it, Chaeng?" The said girl looks up only to find Dahyun and Tzuyu, her other best friends, staring at her.

The room owner creases her brows, "What?"

Dahyun clicks her tongue, "It must be it, isn't it? How long has it been?" They know what they were talking about, "What do you mean?"

Tzuyu does not have time for this, she might have finished her homework but she has curfew, she needs to know as soon as Chaeyoung could spill, "Mina Unnie, how long since the last time you guys talked?"

"2 months? 3 months...?" The voice gets unsure, "You didn't try to reach her, didn't you?"

A nonchalant shrug from Chaeyoung, "She asked for time and space."

"She is your best friend for God's sake, she confessed, you being dumb and rejected her AND NOW you did nothing to make her feel better?" An aluminium ruler smacks her forehead.

"Aw! What was that for?!" Another smack, "For you to realize that she must be waiting for you to make things better!"

"Why didn't she call me?!" Now it is Tzuyu's turn to smack, and now Chaeyoung believes her forehead is red as hell, "You expect her to call you first? Then what? Showing up all smiley, acting like nothing happened?! You sure dumb as hell. She is hurt, Chaeng!"

Chaeyoung glances at her phone, she realizes, no one really contacts her on a daily basis but Mina, "What should I do?"

The phone is thrown onto her lap, "Call her."

"Tzuyu, your face is too angelic for your antics. But no, I'm scared." Son Chaeyoung is being honest. She is scared.

"Scared of what? She's your best friend since years ago, Chaeng." Chaeyoung sighs, Dahyun is right. But she is scared, she doesn't know what she is worrying about, but she is scared.

"I don't know. What if she..."

"Doesn't want to talk to you? Good for her." Dahyun laughs out loud at Tzuyu's remark, "Your tongue sure doesn't give a damn about how the world usually works, Tzu."

"Well at least my tongue would do better to talk it out rather than leaving my best friend just like that, right after the confession." That gets Chaeyoung, hard.

Chaeyoung has realized that what she did was wrong, not the rejection, but the way she actually plays along with whatever Mina was playing.

She knows that Mina was a prideful woman that would never contact her first. Knowing that as the so called best friend, she fails to make things better by making Mina feel better about them.

"Okay, look, I'm sorry." Dahyun dan Tzuyu softened at the apology, "Not to us, to Mina."

"Yes, but also to you guys, to everyone." They get silenced for a while, thinking how their group started to crumble because the best friends that brought the group together were now giving each other silent treatment.

"Unnies will understand. But it is never late for you to fix it." A pat is given on Chaeyoung's shoulder, Dahyun encourages her again, "Chaeng? Just text her. A text won't hurt. If she doesn't reply then maybe she's busy. You can try again later."

"Until when?"

Not even a single beat, Tzuyu answers, "Until nine of us could gather without throwing unknown glances towards one another."

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