Chapter three

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*A few days later*

Y/N'S thoughts: it's finally saturday, i'm gonna see bucky again and i'm going to meet the avengers.

*It's 11AM when the doorbell rings, but when you open the door you're confused. Because it's not Bucky who stands at the door, but a tall man and a little man.*

Y/N: Uhm h-hello can i help you?
Tall stranger: hello y/n, my name is Johann Schmidt and this is Dr. Zola. We need you to come with us.
Y/N: H-how do you know my name?

*they don't answer, they grab you by the arm and pull you out of your house and put a bag over your head*


*but no one can hear you*

*they push you inside a vehicle and the short guy pulls the bag from your head*

Bucky: y/n! Are you okay?
Y/N: Bucky? What are you doing here, and no i'm not okay I am being taken!
Bucky: I'm so so sorry y/n we never should have met. They are still trying to get back control over me.
Y/N: It's not your fault bucky. But if they want to get back control over you i don't understand why they took me...
Bucky: yeah i don't understand either

*A few hours later the vehicle stops, and they take you and Bucky out*

Y/N: where are we?
Schmidt: we are at the hydra facility, and this is your new home.
Bucky: Don't worry y/n, the Avengers will find us.
Y/N: I hope so...

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