Chapter Four

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*It is 2 months later and the Avengers still haven't found you yet. You're starting to lose hope*

Y/N: Bucky... I don't think they're coming anymore.

Bucky: You can't give up hope y/n, they will find us I'm sure of it.

Y/N: How can you be so sure of that?!

Bucky: Because they are my friends and they would never give up.

*meanwhile at the Avengers compound*

Steve: we finally found where they took Bucky, they took him to a secret Hydra facility in Sokovia. 

Natasha: let's go then.

Steve: alright suit up.

*A few hours later Steve, Natasha, Tony and Clint arrive at the Hydra facility in sokovia*

Bucky: Y/n do you hear that?

Y/N: yes, it sounds like people are fighting. Do you think it's them?

Bucky: i do.

Steve: Bucky!! We finally found you.. Who's that?

Bucky: She's a new friend. Hydra took her to get back control over me, but I did not lose hope that you guys would find us.

Y/N: I'm sorry but why did it took you guys so long?

Natasha: Hydra facilities are not so easy to find, especially this one. this one was very secret and very hard to find. I'm Natasha btw.

Y/N: Oh right, I'm sorry my name is Y/n Y/l/n. nice to meet you guys.

Tony: Hello, I'm Tony stark and they are Steve and Clint.

Y/N: It's very nice to meet you guys but can we please leave now? we haven't eaten in a while and I'm starving.

Bucky: yeah me too!

Tony: Okay let's go get some cheeseburgers.

Y/N: Alright, let's get out of here.

*A while later you are eating cheeseburgers*

Y/N: wow these are the best cheeseburgers I've ever had.

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