Chapter 2 My Part

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  It was a long ride. I remembered when my Mother and Father were alive, we used to ride around the country side. Just the four of us. Riding in a carriage is never really the same with out them, without Rin at least. She would always be there to play a spotting game or just play around with. Now, a carrage ride is just a wagon pulled by horses rather then an exiting adventure.

 I got of the carriage in front of a fair sized building, the building was long and wide but not that tall.  A tall aged man was standing outside. He was bald and had a well groomed moustache. He thanked the carriage driver and took me inside. "Len is it?" he said "Pleased to meet you, my name is Arthur Kingstone and I have been told to take you in as my apprentice. You will be taught many things while you are here, but for now, let's just have you settle in". He showed me around through many rooms, a large dining room and a fair sized personal library with all sorts of books. He walked me through his chambers where I spotted out a wooden desk covered with papers, quills and ink. It would seem that he's an author of some sort. He led me to my room where there was a large bookcase and a small bed. It's a lot different from what I'm used to but adapting is one of the things I've actually been told to do. I figured that I would find out more after I got some rest. 

 Sleeping was hard on me. Even more then I thought it would be. Every time I close my eyes, I think about her. I see the tears running from her eyes as I shout out to her from inside the wagon. The last thing I remember her doing is crying. Her face, the sound she makes, it sickens me. Why? Why did I have to go? It's her that needs royal training, not me. Why couldn't I stay and keep her happy? Why can't she be trained while I'm by her side? Why do I stay away from her for all this time? Why separate a family after suffering hard times?"Tell me god damn it!" I shouted as I awoke. Arthur was sitting down on the corner of my bed. "Tell me" he said calmly "What's the matter? You were talking in your  sleep. Explain to me the "hard times" you speak of." I told him my story.

 "About a month ago, my parents were murdered. They took a carriage into town when someone stood in front of the carriage holding a sword. He then took out both horses and the coachman, then my parents. Shortly after the killer was caught and executed along with any motives of killing the King and Queen."

 Arthur put his hand on my shoulder. "I'm deeply sorry for your loss" he said. "I knew your father when he voluntarily served in the army. He was the first prince to do so. He would always tell me his war stories even after he took the position of king. Your mother and him would often come over from time to time just to visit and catch up. Then we just stopped seeing each other." "How come?" I asked. "It's a nit of a long story." He said. "My wife went over to a bakery one day to get a few loafs of bread. Unfortunately, the bakery we usually shop at was closed. She had to walk to the outskirts of town to the other bakery. Noticing that she was new o the area, the baker attempted to frame her for theft by placing an extra loaf in her bag. She was taken away, and given a jailing sentence. I Begged your parents to let her out, but they refused due to a lack of evidence against the framing. I verified with my wife who told me once again that she had been framed but yet, no one would listen. Not long after, she died from a stomach bug thanks to the prison food. Not long after, your father and I got into a fight over the fate of my wife, and that was the last time we spoke."

 Arthur then left the room without saying anything more. He must of loved his wife a lot. I could understand what my father did, but I wish he believed Arthur. I guess we all make mistakes.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2015 ⏰

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