September 6, 2010

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Dear Diary,

Today was the absolute worst day of my life.

Cheerleader tryouts were today after school, and guess who was there? Ding, ding, ding! Those stupid fricking girls. Janice was with them as well.

She and I were going to try out together, but after our little fight on Thursday, and with what happened today, I don't know if we'll be doing anything together anymore.

Anyway, to try out, we had to have something to try out in, because the school hasn't had us pay for gym clothes yet. I brought a pair of short shorts and a tank top to wear, and I put them in my locker, but when I went to change after school, they were gone. There was only one way they could've gotten out of my locker.

Janice must have taken them.

You know, because those stupid girls told her to.

We told each other our combos when school started and we wrote them down so we wouldn't forget in case of emergency. This wasn't exactly one of those situations.

I had nothing to change into, and I had worn skinny jeans to school today. That was not going to roll with Ms. Hill, the P.E. teacher.

I decided that things had to be fair, so I went to go take her clothes, but they weren't even in her locker. That plan was a bust.

I decided I had to do something while they were trying out. Why shouldn't they have something happen to them during their tryouts if I wasn't going to get to try out at all?

I found a bottle of pink lemonade in the cafeteria, and I knew exactly how it could be used to humiliate them.

Naomi was the first one to try out. She got herself ready on the floor of the gym. She was wearing a white tank top, which made my plan even better. I climbed to the top of the building (there are platforms above the gym in case maintenance is needed up there) and I positioned right over Naomi. When she began her routine, I spilled some of the lemonade on her.

That's where everything went wrong.

She slipped on the lemonade that missed her head and fell backwards. She hit her head really hard on the solid ground. I mean, you could hear the thud from all the way up there! Alyssa, Karla, and Janice all rushed over to help her. That's when Janice looked up.

I was spotted.

Janice told Ms. Hill, and she took me straight to the Principal's office. On the way, she called an ambulance. Things were going to go from bad to worse.

The Principal ended up suspending me for 5 days. That's the worse suspension you can get.

At least, for cracking another girl's head open at school, that is.

My mom was working late, so I had to wait for her to pick me up. Meanwhile an ambulance had just driven off with Naomi in the back of it.

I knew my mom was going to take a while to get there, so I walked around the front of the school for a bit. As I turned a corner near the entrance to the office, I was greeted with the faces of Alyssa, Karla, and Janice.

They didn't even speak a single word to me as they pushed me down and started kicking.

Alyssa and Karla were doing all the hurting and I could see Janice awkwardly staring in the background. Maybe she had some guilt about treating me this way; maybe she was beginning to see that these girls were not to be trusted.

Words could not describe how angry I was at her at that moment, though. She never pulled them away from me. Instead, she just sat there and watched as I was kicked in all sorts of places. One of those places was my head, and at some point, I blacked out.

So, now I'm in the E.R., waiting for a nurse to clean all the blood off of my body.

It's pretty hard to write with only one hand, you know.

I see the doctor coming, so I'll finish writing tomorrow.


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