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Yami search for Konan for three days yet he can't still find her that make him frustrated

"Dammit!! Just is your damn house" Yami roared while running under the rain

Yami found a house with broken door. Yami entered the house but he found nothing

"The one who live here already gone that's good" Yami relieved that no one then look around and he see the the house was in mess

"War is really bad for innocent people new plan create a village just like Oruchimaru did" Yami's eyes become cold. Then he left

The more Yami go further the more messed up houses and some of it have a dead people so Yami buried them

As Yami is searching he a pugent scent of blood

"This smell!" Yami followed the smell in a small house the blood scent become dense then he saw a stone ninja was undressing the the female corpse

"What a disgusting animal!" Yami's murderous aura was released

"Who!?" The ugly stone ninja see Yami without a mask

"Ehat a beautiful girl come here and serve me" the stone ninja save with hoarse house

"Hmph!! Presumptuous!!" Yami rush and cut off his little brother in a process

The stone ninja cry and hold his bleeding crotch

"You! I will kill you and fuck you repeatedly!!" The stone ninja roared with red eyes full of hatred

"Pfft hahaha your little dick was cut off already and don't think you will be alive" Yami's eyes back to being cold then condensed a sharp knife with of ice

The stone ninja was terrified "You!! A kekkei genkai!" he started retreating slow

Yami noticed it and said "ufufufu.. Are you scared old pig" after saying that he rush to stone ninja and grab his neck then he started to skin the stone ninja alive

Every peeled skin made the stone ninja scream in pain

"Now thats what i called pig scream while being buthcer" Yami said with charming smile that can devastate the nation

After a while only few skin left to stone ninja that already fainted "Aiya... He already break" then he created an ice stake made of natural energy and impaled the stone ninja up high

"I really become a monster" Yami muttered while looking to impaled corpse


Yami was stunned and ask "Hikari what is the use of evil points? why i didn't know this feature? "

Hikari explain to Yami "Host that's one of the new update you can use this to upgrade your cultivation techniques or to buy your cultivation techniques and there's a two type of point Benevolent and Malevolent

" So you're saying your connection already reaches the wuxia, yuanhuan, etc.?"

Then he added "And this points can buy immortal cultivation techniques and devil techniques?"

"Yes host but you can't use this techniques while in this world only once you reach the outer space of this universe you can use it"

"Why?" Yami asked in confusion

"For plot host if you're too overpowered it will be boring my entertainment will ruin" Hikari eagerly said with serous tone

"Entrainment my ass what if i lose my poor little life" Yami refuted he didn't know whether to laugh or cry he become the entertainment of his system

"I always didn't win against you i better continue searching"

"Okay host be careful not to be reckless"

Yami ignored Hikari but not her words

As Yami searching for three hours he already impaled dozen of ninja from hidden stone and hidden rain

"My proficiency in impaling the enemy is already good aiyo.. I am indeed a devil"

Two days past he still didn't find any clue of Konan

"Now I'm really frustrated if i can't save her parents my Benevolent points this is for being a human not for points" Yami change his rotten mindset

This time as Yami is searching he heard a cry of a child "What there's still someone here and it's a child" Yami look to broken igloo like houses

After that he followed the source of cry upon arriving Yami entered into the house directly then he saw a dead bodies of a couple lying on the floor 'It seems they got killed not long after i arrived maybe they are still alive' he thought because the hair of the woman is brilliant blue

But before he can go near a girl blocked his way she's full of snot her amber eyes was full of sadness and anger

"Stay!! Don't touch my parents!!" The girl shouted while holding a kunai

Yami look and sizing the girl and he stunned and suprise that the infront of him is Konan the person he's searching for a while now

"Put down your weapon and let me take a look of your parents maybe your parents is still alive but i can't guarantee it" Yami said with charming smile

Yami's words and smile made the child Konan slightly lower her guard
'This person seems to be good but still i can't totally lower my guard' in Konan's mind

After thinking Konan pleaded "Please save my parents" her eyes started get misty and tears started to flow

Yami saw it and he wipe the tears that flowing from her eyes "Don't cry now i will check their pulse now"

Konan nodded but she's still not relieved

After letting Yami to check them Yami squatted and he started to check the pulse of couple but unfortunately he didn't feel any pulse

Yami's face distorted due to grief his anger reach to another level but he still  maintain the indifferent face

At this time Konan suddenly ask "Ar-are my parents.. Is still alive.?" she already prepared herself if unexpected thing happened

Yami look towards her with sad expression then he shook his head "Unfortunately they can't be saved they died for a while"

Upon hearing the news Konan was eaten by grief, sadness, and despair she started to cry loudly
"Mother... Father.. Why did this happen *sobs why you leave me alone..."
Yami hugged her and started to caress her back and said "Just cry it's okay now it's my turn to protect you from harm from on"

Konan feel the warm hug of Yami and she just let Yami hug her because she can feel the warmth of his hug after a while she feel asleep

Yami look to the sleeping Konan  "You suffer too much rest now i will guard you while you asleep" he said while caressing her

Then he tried to communicate to his inner world after a while he was transferred to a paradise but it's still small
"this world it span of atleast 5 mile it's quite small but this is good for my future lab the  energy here is also dense than the outside world"

"I better go back now before she wake up"

When go back he feel the sleepiness entered his mind

"Did i use too much chakra?"

Then he fell asleep while embracing the sleeping Konan

I Was Reincarnated In Naruto But Destined To Travel In Every WorldWhere stories live. Discover now