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It all started last June. The flashbacks, the weird dreams, the sudden feeling in my stomach that i was being dropped from thousands of feet in the sky but most importantly the weird things and events that happended every time I was around an enemy or hater. It confused me, made me tired and late and I felt magical yet puzzled. My life was turning into what seemed like a mixed up dream but it wasnt a happy dream it was more of a confused one. Sometimes I feel brave and tell my bestest friend Ella how i feel and the weird signs i get or the feeling which can only be described as a tingle of magic.

Ella usually jokes that it is magic and im some kind of wizard with a multi coloured wand that shoots golden sparkles. I know she is just kidding but i cant help feeling like it might be. I Misti Jones could be magic. Could I!? This is the story of my life and how I face the sudden changes from just being a normal 12 year old to knowing the life changing secrets of me and my family.

I wake up. Like every normal person in the world because im Normal. A normal 12 year old called misti jones. Well....atleast i think im normal. I get these weird feelings that feel like a magic curse and i see blue swirls and golden sparks when i close my eyes. Hear whispering words when i listen hard and the most puzzling thing of all is my enemies and haters are always in trouble or hurt or embarassed when ever im around like i control them. It rules and i feel like i have won the battle of enemies but i hate it too! Its just a weird, crazy power i have and no limit or explanation. I feel like a average girl with far to go.

Anyway back to whats happening now. Im just eating breakfast with my brother jake, casually spooning cornflakes into my mouth. Then its school and i catch the bus meet my friends and sit through a day of boring lessons and grumpy teachers.

At the end of the day i rush home eager to find out more about this weird power of mine. Im never home any time before 4 o clock. I usually go to "Mixer" the popular cool cafe and I drink milkshakes with my friends sasha and bella. At home i am suprised to see my big sister jade who is never actually home much and also jake is their too along with mum and dad! They all are holding long pointy wooden things they look like sticks but obviously arent because they are shooting lasers or something that look like lasers. Something fishy is defiantly going on but how am i ment to bring up the fact i saw my whole family apart from me with wands and lasers?!?!

I decide to leave it, think it through then confront them. How long can i wait with out wanting to know something? Not long im dying inside. However i let the thought float away as i get stuck into a pile of mathmatics homework! Uhhh!!! Later that day i spot cara crew my biggest enemy, along with her was her back up her followers her team! They call each other the dream team i call them the mean team! Lame but its so true! I close my eyes count to 3 whisper abra cadabra just in case my powers are real and amazingly cara has grown a massive big red spot on her chin soooo big you could spot it a mile away! Well...maybe not that far!! But you get my point! Her friends were shocked but she couldnt see. I am totally 100% magic now i just need to bring it up in conversation! How will i do that? Dinner! Thats how i will just casually start talking about it and they will have to confess! Problem solved!!

I wait anxiously til dinner ready to hear the answer to all my puzzling problems. I feel the magic feeling but this time its probably just nerves!!

"Dinner" i hear and i nervously walk towards the table where i dig in,bfood helps me calm my nerves. Half way through dinner now and its time!! Casually i say " mum i keep getting the feeling im magic, i always have a magial tingle in my stomach and i seemed to be able to perform magic! Do you know anything?!" Happily she replies saying she didnt know how to explain to me and she is happy i figured it out! We all are, my whole family and soon i will know everything!

That night in bed i feel happy and releived that i conquered the family mystery! Well...sort of! Hopefully i will soon be on my way to be coming a wizard just like ella had suggested!

Stretching as i awoke i quickly lept out of bed. I couldnt wait to tell Ella! She was right i am a wizard! Today is the first day of training at wizard'o school. Im excited really excited. Im gunna get a wand and a robe and a spell book! I cant wait! I rushed down the stairs ready to go but first i had breakfast

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