Hiroshi Sato

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I sat in the damp stank of my musty cell. Maybe Tenzin called it meditating, but I called it torture. I would sit on my frail little bed and remind myself of what a terrible husband, father and business man I was. Spending hours upon hours just reminding myself of these facts. I made sure to do it daily, so that I never forgot. And never again would I make these mistakes. Then the guard opened my cell, "Hiroshi Sato! You have a visitor!" The guards always made a habit of shouting at the inmates. It was most unpleasant, but intimidating, it got the job done I suppose. But wait a minute? A visitor? I had never gotten one of those! Why, the only one who would visit me is... Oh my spirits! I leaped up from my bed and followed my guard at a brisk pace. Every fiber of my being told me to run faster, Asami was waiting! My daughter, forgiving her ol' dad at last! "Though I didn't deserve it!" I reminded myself carefully. I didn't need to lose myself over to evil again.
AN short update sorry, hopefully the next one will be longer

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