chapter 8|| redemption

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iveys pov
wow, they honestly looked amazing. they all looked so.... forgiving. is that weird? I dont know.. I could just see in their eyes they really wanted to apologize.

Jack G's (POV)
Ivey looked amazing, I feel so bad for ever being mean to her. I walked up to her grabbing one of her hands "Ivey... Im so sorry, I mean, were all so sorry. We never intended to bully you. It's just I had a crush on you and you never noticed me. Also you always flirted with nate, which I don't understand because he's in our "group" also. He was one of my bestfriends at the time, and hearing him talk about how you two were perfect made me mad. Youre so perfect ivey. forgive me, forgive us, i'll do anything.

Iveys (POV)
i.. i.. jack. I tightly hugged him. Jack, I like you and all but, you guys bullied me for 4 YEARS straight. I said emphasizing my words. We used to all be bestfriends, even in 8th grade a little, there was still a spark. What even happened? I mean, you guys beating me up everyday? If you just think I'm going to forgive you, you're crazy. you cant even compare 4 years of bullying to me being with nate for the 6 months that we had. sorry guys. Actually, you know what? I'm not sorry at all. I walked away and finally found a bench after walking so long. I just started crying, I actually really liked jack but, I had to do whats best for me. A car pulled over. "Ivey.. Babe! what are you doing out here all alone?" "sammyyyy!" I was so happy sam had came, or saw me atleast. "Do you need a ride home, or would you like to spend the night with me?" "Uh s- ... spend the night with you" "cmon babe" i jumped in his truck "ivey what happened" "its a long story, these boys used to bully me, and they did for 4 years, they tried to apologize but I rejected" "Well they're absolute dicks for bullying someone so perfect like you" "Haha, thanks sammy boyyyyy" I said in a weird way. We just laughed then sam rubbed my back. I havent known sam that long and I already think im in love with him. "Sam..?" "Yeeees?" "Do you think we could be a couple?" "Of course" I looked him in the eyes and cupped my hands around his mouth. Is this really happening? I slowly leaned in and so did he. We passionately kissed eachother. "Babe i kinda have to drive but we'll be home soon, save it for then" He winked. What a tease.. I just looked out the car window and smiled thinking about it. Sam never bullied me, he called me beautiful, he was so nice and sweet. I liked sam, not jack. maybe sam is the one. I'm really starting to like this boy.

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