chapter 9|| the coffee boy

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(Iveys POV)
It was the next morning. I woke up in a place I didn't recognize. Where am I? I read the walls and saw a poster that said "sam". Oh.... now... I remembered. I stayed the night at sams. BUT where is he? "SAMMYYYYYYY" I yelled. "Shhhhh! My parents are downstairs" Sam said, walking into the room. "Oh, sorry". Last night was amazing. Me and sam just stayed at his house watching movies all night long. It was fun. I think I really like this boy. "Hey sam....." "Yes?" "Can I tell you what happened, with those boys" "Of course princess, Im here for you" "Well, it started in 7th grade, when my friend had passed away. I.... dont know why but they all started bullying me. It got so extreme to the point that I started hurting myself" As soon as I got to that part sam looked so apologetic, even though it wasn't his fault. "Ivey, why? You're so beautiful, I wish you would had never hurt yourself" He said kissing my wrists. "Sam... I...." "Its okay, you don't have to say anything." "Thank you so much sammy you don't even know how much you-" and that was it. Sam started leaning in. "No... sam" I pulled away. I mean yes I liked him and all but, I just didn't think it was the right time.. at all. Was it wrong for me to do that? IM SUCH AN IDIOT! I probably just blew it with the guy I really liked. "Um.... Im sorry, want anything to drink?" he said, avoiding the whole conversation. "I... sam I think its better if I go home. My parents are probably worrying about me. Another time maybe?" "Yeah, of.. ccourse" I started walking out the room. I didnt know where I was going. I for sure wasn't going home, I just had to have an excuse to get out of here. I started rethinking whether I really liked sam or not. OK, of course I did. I really think I just blew it though.

(Sams pov)
I really hope I didnt just ruin everything between me and Ivey. I know we just met but, I want to protect her. I wonder who it is that bullies her. I'd beat the shit out of someone if I ever saw them being an ass to her. She doesn't deserve that. She's a beautiful person inside and out. Should I go check up on her..? I kinda just tried to shove my throat down her mouth and she ran out. Oh well. I'll just wait.

(Iveys POV)
Im missing sam right now and it hasnt been no time. Did I do something wrong? Right now, im at some starbucks I found down the street. "Hi what would you like ma'am?" "Um, just a tall vanilla bean frappe please" "That'll be 5.76" "okay, one sec" I reached to look for my purse. Oh no. Did I leave it at sammys? "Um, ma'am. Theres other people waiting behind you." "I... think I left my purse at home, Im so sorry! Just forget my order" "Hey, its fine, ill pay for it, dont worry about it" I looked up and saw a gorgeous guy with dark hair and green eyes. "Im nate" "Im ivey, I think I saw you at the party the other night" "Probably so. I have to get all these orders in but, if I give you my number will you text me?" "Of course" then he slipped me his number on a piece of paper. I gave him mine too. "one vanilla bean frappe, beautiful" he said and handed me my drink. "Thanks, youre not too bad yourself" I smirked. I looked on the cup and it said "princess" ugh! why do i keep falling for all these guys? he was so cute though. I couldn't help myself from smiling. Maybe I should just forget sammy, if I ever could. Right as I was about to take a sip from my drink, I got a text. Ugh, will I ever be left alone? I saw "Jack" pop up on my phone and I knew I would immediately regret even looking at it.
JG: "Meet me at the park at 6?"
Me: "I dont know, what you want with me.. but if you recall, you bullied me for almost all of my school years so, no"
JG: "Please, Ivey, cmon"
Me: "I said no"
I think he finally got the point. He stopped texting me. Thankfully. And my purse was still left at sammys. Ugh. I guess I had no choice but to go back there. I started walking.

(Sammys POV)
The doorbell rang. And I had been waiting for it to be Ivey all day. But I knew she wasnt coming back, and that I had messed up. I opened the door. Surprisingly it was her. "Um.. ivey? Wh... Im sorry. I just needed to say that. I mean it too, im so sorry" "Sammy, I just came for my purse" "Yeah, right... go ahead" I wanted to say more but I didnt know how.

(Iveys POV)
I went up the stairs quickly and bumped heads with someone on my way up. "Um, who are you?" A tall, older lady said. "Ivey....? Who are you" Sammy came upstairs "Who are you talking to? Oh... mom this is ivey" "Im so sorry, honey. Im mrs.wilkinson" "right, well im ivey, nice to meet you.. sorry but im kinda in a rush" "Its fine hun, if you need anything just tell me" "alright thanks" I said. I quickly went into sammys room. It was surprisingly getting late. I didnt realize I had wasted 5 hours walking around town and going to a coffee shop. It was 3:00. I grabbed my purse and went to head out when a sleep deprived sammy stood in my way. "Ivey, let me apologize!" "Sammy, I would but im really in a hurry" I lied. I dont know why I kept telling them I was in a rush. I ran away from sammy and could hear him rushing after me. "Sam, leave me alone!" I ran out the door. I finally didnt hear footsteps anymore. As soon as I walked out, I got another text. What is up with this? I hope its not JG. nervously looking at my phone, I saw nates number pop up.
Nate: "Hey, I know we just met but could I possibly take you out at 5?"
Me: "Yes... I need a break right now"
Nate: "Sounds good, send me your address and ill be there soon"
And so I did. I needed a break from jack, and sammy.. all of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2016 ⏰

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