Six: Seven Eight Nine

61 8 9

Contains minor foul language and brutal scenes. Read at your own risk.

   ONCE THEO STOOD UP, HE wished he didn't, because now, his head hurts like hell. He groaned inwardly, straining himself not to hiss in pain. The blonde boy slowly flicked his eyes open, the sun's rays hitting his cheek. The brightness of the sun nearly blinded him, fortunately, the leaves of the trees hovering above his head helped give him slight shade — slight.

    By the looks of the pink skies with a dash of orange streaks, Theo knew it was probably five in the morning. This time of the day was Theo's least favorite — it was the time wherein Theo wakes up, getting ready for another boring day to show how much the universe despises him. Killing my mom, then my dad, bringing me to an orphanage, nearly murdering me on behalf of my father, "reuniting" me with strangers, then finding myself in an isolated place later.

     Lying unconsciously beside him were Lennon, his glasses and bit crooked, and Clementine, her hair wild. He leaned closer to wake both of them, but a part of him hesitated. He woke them up anyway. "Guys," he started, nudging Clementine's forehead. After two pokes on her head, nothing. When Theo scooted closer and poked her again, the red-headed girl bolted upwards and kicked Theo's chin, sending the sixteen-year-old boy backwards, falling on the dirt on his rear end. Muttering a curse, Theo rubbed his lower back. "I did need a morning kick, thank you, Clementine," spoke Theo, glaring at Clementine, who had a look of slight guilt across her face ("Oops," sang Clementine).

    "That was a good kick, Clem," remarked a newly waken Lennon, who clapped his hands slowly.

    "My ass is fine. Thank you for asking, Lennon."

    "Your ass ain't fine, I tell you that," replied Lennon.

     Frowning at Lennon, Theo stood up from the ground, dusting off the visible dirt on his pants, followed by Lennon as he fixed his glasses on his nose bridge. Looking in their surroundings, the trio became dead silent. The ground beneath their feet was unhealthy soil, the trees looked old and sickly, supposed bushy bushes weren't bushy. Everything seemed unfamiliar to them and the fact that they were lost made their stomachs churn. "Where are we," started Theo, "last time, we were back at the base. I was up the surface, talking to Gudbrand and-"

     "You collapsed, I was forced to carry you to Argen's car while Haggis kept the baddies out of the way like a boss with his cool gun, then I shoved you in the passenger's seat next to Clem, Argen began driving for at least thirty minutes, then boom! Loud crash. Tree. Then my head hurt like crap ever since— which reminds me," paused Lennon to put his hand over his forehead, his fingers dabbing on the blood trickling from his head, "I'm a bit light headed."

     "Was that a bad pun," asked Theo, an eyebrow arched.

     "Yep, you caught me red-handed," replied Lennon, gesturing his bloodied right hand, a bright grin across his face.

    Theo slapped his own forehead in response to the bad pun, whilst Clementine rolled her eyes. "Alright, guys. Let's focus," she started, looking cautiously around her. "We were in a car, driven by Argen, last night. And now, waking up, we see neither. That's just some strange stuff." ("No duh," mumbled Lennon in the background, tapping his forehead with the palm of his hand.) "And by the looks of it, I don't think this was an accident," continued Clementine, ignoring Lennon completely.

    With a frown, Lennon turned to Clementine. "What do you mean? We were assassinated? Ambushed?"

    "Most likely," replied Clementine, frowning back, "yes."

    "It could be Darwin," suggested Theo, rubbing his chin, "she must still be alive. That psycho can't just die from a sword."

    Lennon made an unattractive snort, arching a brow at the same time. "What? Sister Maria? She was stabbed — in the gut! She can't possibly survive that large cut in her stomach," retorted Lennon.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2016 ⏰

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