Weird things are happening

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I put in my airpods and turn the music up I was humming along to washing machine heart while the cold, bitter breeze kissed me. I fixated at the barren wasteland, covered in snow and took in a deep breath.I was drifting off to sleep when my phone pinged I got a message off Tubbo.

Tubbo: Hey!
Tubbo: I was wondering if
I can bring the family round?


I fell asleep to be woken up by Michael messing with my crown and people talking. I sat up and smiled at Michael but he just stared at me and pretended to stab me with his little wooden sword. I was a little bit confused but let him carry on.

A few years later
(Michael is 14)


Michael:Hey I was wondering if
I could come to ur house?

Michael:Alright thanks I'll
be there in a 5 minutes

When Michael arrived he greeted me with a smile"Hey uncle!"
I nodded and smiled back and open the door for him."I'm gonna make a cup of tea want one?" I wasn't thirsty but I accepted anyways because I didn't wanna seem rude.

A few minutes later Michael came back with a two cups of tea in his hands and he was smirking. He passed me the drink but it looked a bit darker then normal and it had a chemical sort of rotten smell to it. I didn't drink it I just made an excuse that I wanted to get some food from the kitchen and excused myself.

I chucked my cup in the sink and saw a small container with dark green liquid inside that smelled like rotten eggs and the label had looked like it had been the ripped off. I went to go asked Michael what this was but I didn't want to cause any trouble so I shoved it into the bin.

Tecnoblade N̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ DiesWhere stories live. Discover now