The fight

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I sat on the ground making small talk with Michael while stuffing my face with potatoes. Michael got up, excused himself and walked off into the kitchen. I turned on my phone, put in my airpods  and played my playlist. Michael came back into the room with his hand behind his back.
"I've got something for you!"

I looked up at Michael with a confused look on my face. He smiled and put his hand in front of my face I stood frozen in shock and took a step back. He walked towards me with the knife and grinned. "What are you doing?" I asked, Michael just looked at me and backed me into the a corner .

He raised the knife and he was about the stab me but I smacked the knife out of his hands, tackled him to the floor and pinned him down "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed.

Michael just stared blankly. I was shaking and needed to get out the house to think so I rushed out grabbing my sword, crown and cape on the way. I sprinted into the barren wasteland of snow, I stopped to catch my breath when all of a sudden a hand wrapped around my neck causing me to choke. I managed to slip my sword from my belt and at slashed and the arm.

The person wimped and I turned around to see Michael cluching his arm in pain and tears in his eyes. I felt sorry for him but yet again he tired to kill me 3 times.

Michael pounced at me, shoving me on the floor and started to stab at me
I let out a bloodcurdling scream and everything went Black for a second...

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