The Beginning(1)

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      In a place far away, a kingdom was built above a city that was once destroyed. In 1727, over 2000 years ago, the Kingdom of Light was built. It was very beautiful and glowed in the sunlight. Every stone in the walls shined a different color and it made everything so beautiful. No one was to ever question the reasoning why the kingdom was built over a city, but, the Rosenberg's made it very clear that there wasn't an issue. They made sure that no one ever asked about it. The name Rosenberg has been around for over 5000 years, ruled by many great leaders. We have always been favored by all. 

      We've tried to treat people with respect and give them what we can. People worshiped our family as we could supply food and riches. Yes, we have made people work for us, but they were valued very highly. They had good homes built by us and were treated very well. Along with land, we were always there to help people out. We never tried to tell anyone no. Well, sometimes, but only for something very ridiculous. Some of the children would go out of their way to make things fun, but it backfired with my mother and father quite often. Our kingdom grew bigger each day. We never truly understood why, but we were perfectly okay with it. As years passed, we eventually had thousands on our land, making us improve and enlarge our kingdom bigger. The best part about this, was we always got new people in our kingdom willing to help and support everyone else as well as themselves.

      About a year ago, in 1942, my grandfather passed down his crown to his son, my father, Emmett Rosenberg. My father was accompanied by my mother, Genevieve Rosenberg. I am the only daughter from the Rosenberg's to be born since 5000 years ago. When the first woman in our name was born, according to my grandfather, she was murdered by a rival kingdom north of us. We haven't spoken or set foot around their land since. It was forbidden as the darkness between both kingdoms were too much to handle when crossing paths. He said their name was the Woodward's. It was a name we must always run from. We aren't to fear the name, but running was the only option to do. It was the best option for our safety. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm Willow Rosenberg.

      Today is my birthday, which means I've turned 23. I've spent years studying alone and being by myself. I found it best to do things that way, because then no one could bother me with their nonsense. No one ever understood why or how I was born a girl. Being the only true Rosenberg that was a girl almost seemed like a curse. People thought I was a lost child they found and brought me home, but that was never the case. They thought I was from another kingdom, or an offering from one of the ladies in the kingdom, but my grandfather reassured me that I was a true Rosenberg. 

      I had always studied everything in our library. From fantasies that brought me to neverland, and mysteries that made me never understand the ending. I've read books about witchcraft which made me question of I could ever do magic, but in the end, no matter how many times I tried, I couldn't do it. I've even read all the legends and myth's books that they had on the shelves to make sure I was educated for anything that came my way. When I was 10, the first rumor about a treasure came about. I had read about it once, but it was one page with almost no information what-so-ever. All the boys and girls from the families that moved on our land talked about it for years. I had always wanted to learn about it, but my grandfather always told me it wasn't time. He knew everything, but had never given me the chance to know what I wanted to know.

      When I was 16, I finally started to believe them. I thought maybe I could be given the chance to finally know more about it again. I never talked to my father about anything as he didn't seem to really understand what I was saying anyways. He always had more pressing matters to worry about, and it almost seemed as though he really didn't care. I was always upset about it, but I knew in the end I'd be okay with or without him. So I resorted to my grandfather for almost everything. He had all the information I needed about everything, and told me things when he felt it was the right time to tell me. He never pushed me aside or told me to go away. He helped me in every way possible. He made sure I knew what was true when it came to all the books I read and all the stories he'd tell me. 

      It took me a while, but I finally gained enough courage to ask him one simple question. I don't know how I managed to ask, but I knew that this was important to me and he was the only person I could trust to tell me the truth. Some days, although he treats me so well, I wish others did too. Still, I asked, and this is how it went.

      "Papa, what is this treasure?" Worried as ever, he looked at me and smiled, but hesitant to answer, he still responded. 

      "Oh, honey. It's only a legend sweety. It's a very long legend. I personally don't think you are ready to hear it yet." It looked as though he was about ready to walk away, but I couldn't let that happen. I had to respond. It had to be quick. I almost shouted the words that came out of my mouth, but managed to stay calm. It all seemed so unreal, but almost possible with every word that came out of his mouth. I'd always be dying to hear more of his stories, or just something that would get my blood pumping to learn more. 

      "Papa, please tell me. Everyone around the kingdom is talking about it, and it feels like I'm the only one here that knows absolutely nothing about this treasure. You know I've been wanting to learn the truth about this for six years. I'm ready and I can't let you push the truth behind anymore"

      He responded so softly. "Okay love. Be prepared for what I'm about to tell you. You already know that everything will be the truth, but you need to be ready. When I tell you this, I'm only going to tell you once. According to legends, around 5000 years ago, when our kingdom was built, we covered everything of a small, but still large city. This city was an ancient one that was named Queenstown. But no one ever knew why we decided to place ourselves over a city known for greatness."

      My heart starts pumping and I'm just dying to know more. I look at him with hope in my eyes. "Tell me more. That was nothing. There has to be so much more to the story. Don't leave me with something so bland. That's what every single book in the library has told me." I replied so quickly.

      "I'm getting there. All of the story must be told. You need to know everything from start to finish. If I leave something out and you find out later, you may end up being angry at me for not saying everything. As I was saying, Queenstown was a very humble place and one blown and destroyed to pieces. We've always been told that the reason for it, was there was a treasure that was stolen and hasn't been found since. Everyone thought the highness in the city was lying and it was still in their hands. Hundreds of people from many kingdoms know the story and have tried to find the treasure, but no one has ever returned. People didn't know what kind of adventures they had to go through, but eventually everybody stopped. For centuries we have called those who never came home, lost souls. We don't know what happened, but we have made a rule here at the kingdom, that no one is to go searching for it."

      "Do you know what the treasure is? Gold, riches? I wonder if it's something that could make the kingdom the best it could be."

      "No one has ever truly known what it is. There is no books or stories that has ever told anyone what the true treasure is besides the people that once lived in Queenstown. We've tried to uncover everything that we possible can to learn more about it, but all we truly have is a backstory. I'm sorry darling."

      "Don't be sorry papa. Hearing stories and learning more from you is one of the best things I could ask for. You always give me the right information that I need. Maybe one day I'll uncover what it truly is. Maybe I'll uncover more story books or diaries that were lost from underneath. But it's okay Papa, this is enough information for me. No need to continue. You've done more for me then I could ever imagine." As I started to run out the door, he stopped me. 

      "Wait! There is so much more to the story. Why wouldn't you want to hear the rest. I could give you more information. You must know you should never travel to find that treasure. No one knows where it is, and no one ever comes back. Honey, be careful. I've trusted you with this information. I hope you use it wisely" He looks concerned. 

      "Papa, no need to worry. I'm going to be smart. I've got plans with this information. I'm going to write it down soon too. I plan to never forget this information. I've got the knowledge I need to be able to talk to people now. I want to be able to express myself how others have been doing the same to their friends. I've been so trapped without knowing anything. All I've waited for is the day you finally told me more about it. There will be another time that you can tell me more, I promise. I'm hoping this will help me make friends. That's all I've ever dreamed about having. I love you papa." And just like that, I was gone. I ran out that door so fast I wasn't sure where my mind wanted me to end up. 

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