Chp 7: Dinner

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One Month Later


Stiles smiles as he watches the news playing on the screen. It projects Derek saving catching a falling piece of debris that is large enough to crush the firefighters below it.


“Superman has arrived on the scene just in time,” 


Behind the reporter commentating on the scene, the crowd that had gathered cheers for the hero of the city.


The screen keeps projecting as Derek sets the rubble on the ground before smiling and nodding to the firemen and crowd before turning to take a deep breath only to release it and blow out the flames.


Nodding at his work he takes off into the sky.


Grabbing his phone from the end table Stiles dials Derek’s phone.


“ Hello?”


“Nice job baby,” Stiles smiles.


“ You saw? arent you at the apartment? Why would you come to the scene? You could have been hurt!”


Despite the alarm in his boyfriend’s voice, Stiles can't help but smile at the fact he is concerned


“While I appreciate the fact that you don't want me getting hurt, I am still in the apartment, there is something called the news Der...figured you would know since you are a reporter ,” he smirks.


“Oh...right,” Derek sighs over the phone. “I'm sorry for snapping I just…”


Stiles knows that Derek cutting himself off and going silent means he has lost himself in his head again and is struggling to come back to the surface. It's a habit that Stiles noticed the first week of being with Derek, and it could end in one of two ways, either Derek becoming mentally reclusive or him becoming protective of Stiles to the point that he wants nothing more than to keep Stiles in bed and cuddle with him.


“I understand babe, it's fine I'm not mad,”


He hears Derek let out a sigh of relief on the line.


“Alright, thank you, I'm on my way home,”

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