Chp 5: Argent Corp.

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Stiles hums to himself as he stretches out his arms and legs.


Opening his eyes he realizes that he is on the couch with Derek next to him.


As if alerted to his awakening, Derek to stirs a second later.


“Morning sunshine,” Stiles smiles.


“Morning,” Derek chuckles before realizing where they are.


“Sorry for falling asleep out here,”


Stiles frowns.


“Derek it's not your fault, we were kinda exhausted after the activities.”


Derek nods but avoids Stiles’ gaze.


“Derek, I enjoy falling asleep next to you, love being around you, you don't have to apologize for falling asleep after a scene,”


Derek nods, finally looking at him.


“Good, now let’s go get something to eat,”


Stiles leads the other man to the kitchen and begins pulling out everything he needs to make omelets. 


“So what are your plans for today?” Stiles asks a moment later as he plates the food and hands it to Derek who immediately begins digging into the food,


“I have to be at Argent Corp. for Gerard’s press conference that he has scheduled today,”


Stiles nods.


“And what about you?” he hears Derek’s question.


“I have today off,” Stiles smiles. 


“So I was planning on just relaxing for today,”


Derek nods before standing and carrying his plate to the sink.


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