☆Chapter 1☆

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Connie was walking back to the Temple with a pile of spare parts in her arms, with Lapis and Peridot behind her. She had told Peridot and Lapis that they needed spare parts for a ship, so they glady took some spare parts that they hid in the far back of the barn.

Connie missed Steven, a lot. But she was also quite angry at him. How he just give up like that?! It was so unlike him.

Walking back, they saw Amethyst up a little farther, so they quickly ran to her. Amethyst turned around in surprise, not expecting Lapis and Peridot to be with Connie.

"Oh, hey guys." Amethyst greeted them, her usual cheery voice gone. Then together they all stepped on the warp pad, and warped to the ship.

When the warp stream ended, they found themselves infront of a very clean ship. Much cleaner than Amethyst remembered. Sadly, it was still unflyable.

Pearl then came out of the ships door, holding some random piece of the ship that had broken off, and needed to be replaced. She looked up, and saw them holding a bunch of parts. She smiled, thinking that maybe, just maybe they had a chance.

Pearl invited them over, and they hurriedly ran over. Pearl looked over what they had in their arms, and told them to organize them from shape and metal type.

Pearl then walked back into the ship to help Garnet.

Peridot organized the parts by metal type, as she was the only one who really knew anything about technicals.

The others organized them by shape. Connie did the small parts, Lapis did the medium shaped parts, and Amethyst did the larger ones.

Soon enough, everything was organized.

"Pearl! We finished organizing!" Connie called out. Few seconds later, Pearl came rushing out, and inspected each pile. She then began picking out parts that could possibly serve a function.

Amethyst grabbed everything Pearl didn't take, and warped away, to return them.

Peridot, Lapis, Connie, and Pearl took everything usable inside, and began repairing everything they could within their skill set.

Eventually, everything was in order. Garnet then went to the controls and started the ship.

The ship sputtered to life, but soon after smoke began to form, indicating that their efforts to repair it were unsuccessful.

Garnet then came out, with soot covered all over her. She quickly shook it off, and the Crystal Gems returned to the temple, via warp pad.

When they warped back, Peridot and Lapis bid farewell, and left back to the barn. They were worried about Steven, yes, but what more could they do?

After they left, Connie remembered that they should probably tell Mr. Universe.

"Uh, guys? Did you tell Mr. Universe yet?" Connie asked. She watched as their eyes went wide. They must've forgot. Connie watched them all run out of the house, on their way to tell Greg.

Connie sighed. She hoped that they are able to fix the ship. She wouldn't be able to live life knowing Steven was on Homeworld, possibly being hurt, and knowing she could do nothing about it.

Connie then got a text from her mother, asking where she was. Connie decided that it was about time she headed back home. She quickly wrote a note so that the Crystal Gems wouldn't worry about her.


The gems rushed out the door to the car wash, where Greg was trying to untangle a pile of hoses. He saw the gems approach, and put the hoses down so he could greet them.

"Hey y'all! What are you doing over here?" He asked. The gems all looked nervous, even Garnet, it frightened Greg, because Garnet never really showed emotion.

"Greg. We have to tell you something." Garnet started. She decided that it was better to just get it over with. She also saw that this was the best way to go about things.

"Steven is gone." Garnet spoke quickly, knowing speaking quickly will lead to the best outcome. Greg had just barely heard her, but when his brain processed what she said, his eyes widened in shock.

"What do you mean he's gone?!" Greg responded. Pearl looked down in shame, knowing she failed at protecting Steven. Amethyst looked anywhere but Greg's face. Garnet, however, looked him dead in the eyes.

"I mean he's gone. Steven gave himself up to Homeworld." Garnet tried to explain. Greg started freaking out even more. He didn't know that much about the Gem Homeworld, but he did know that Rose was wanted there.

Greg then remembered Steven's first interaction with a Homeworld Gem. They thought he was Rose! That most likely means he's going to be punished for whatever Rose did!

Greg then began to panic even more. He couldn't imagine what awful things those bad gems could be doing to his son.

The Gems decided to leave Greg alone, so he could calm down. He just needed some space, so he could properly process the fact that his son was stuck in space, possibly forever. People need time for these type of things.

Once the gems arrived back at the temple, they noticed that Connie was no where to be found. They started searching for her, until Pearl found a note.

"I'm listening returning to my house, hope everything goes well with Mr. Universe, Love, Connie." Pearl read aloud. The gems sighed in relief, knowing that Connie was safe.

They then, once again, set out to fix the ship. They would try their hardest to fix that ship in order to save. Whatever it takes.

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