Chapter 2

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Winter was in Possibility, chatting with Typhoon and the other IceWings, when the messenger arrived. The RainWing was bleeding, and shaking so hard Winter could barely take the parchment from him. He read it out loud to the other IceWings.

"Winter, if you are reading this, the chances are, I'm dead. Darkstalker has escaped, and he has all his memories. He is coming to kill Kinkajou, and he's searching the entire rainforest to find her. He has cast a spell on the NightWings, and they are back under his control. Everyone who isn't dead already is fleeing. You have to gather the dragonets of destiny and the rest of the Jade Winglet. Get Jerboa, Anemone, Sundew, Blue, Cricket, and Luna as well. Together you might be able to stop him. Listen, Hope can't hold him off much longer. You have to hurry, or there will be no hope of ever defeating him.


"But how?!" said Typhoon. "Kinkajou said he was never coming back!"

"What do we do, Winter?" Asked another IceWing.

"We do what the message said, and hope that we're not too late to rally support." said Winter, holding back tears.

They all went outside, and Winter flew off to Thorn's stronghold to get Qibli and Jerboa. Typhoon went off to the Kingdom of the Sea to get Turtle, Tsunami, and Anemone, and an IceWing named Coldfront went to get Clay, Peril, Kinkajou, Starflight, and Sunny at Jade Mountain. Lynx sent the messenger to tell Sundew, Luna, and Blue to rendezvous with them at Sanctuary.

When Winter got to Thorn's palace, he was greeted at the gates by a guard.

"Who are you?" The guard asked.

"I'm here to see Qibli. It's an emergency." Replied Winter.

"That's what they all-"

"Darkstalker has escaped." Winter said flatly.

"Oooookay. I'll go get him." The guard sprinted off into the building. A few minutes later, he came back with Qibli.

"Winter, what are you doing here?" He asked, surprise written all over his face.

"I got a message from Moon, saying that Darkstalker has escaped."

"WHAT!?!? But that's impossible!!!"

"Nothing is impossible," said the guard. He raised a blowgun to his mouth, and everything went black.


Hello again! My plan for this fanfic is to write a ton of chapters, post them, and then there will be a bit of a wait while I prepare a new batch of chapters. I will try to add a big cliffhanger at the end of each batch of chapters, to keep you alert for the next one. This is my first fan fiction!

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