The Demon's Lost

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A/n: this is 18,000 years before the time of the main story

We can see The Most feared Devil in hell Izuku Morningstar paying his last respects to his ex-lover, Yime.(E-meh)

Being Emotionless almost all his life She gave him something to smile about, though it wasnt really a bog smile it was more a smirk but nevertheless she mad him feel
That not all humans are bad but it didn't change the fact he still hates them.

He offered Yime immorality so they can be alive together forever but she declined and just wanted a normal life with her daughter and husband, izuku being the way he is around her didn't say anything else he just dropped the offer.

He always does what she says and it doesn't matter what she says he will do it faster than the speed of light and hes a bit to literal. She wanted a war that happened on earth to stop so he did the most logical thing to do and blow up half the world but reversed it back to normal but the people who died didnt come back and that global event was never forgotten and was known as "世界の半分の破壊".

Then 'it' happened, Yime was slaughtered by the townsfolk for ''betraying''
Them. But all she did was help by making him not take over earth.

He leaves the special gravesite he made for her in the human world and goes off to see his offspring.

He knows they killed her but she didn't want him to attack or do anything and couldn't say no to her

*Flashback  8 months ago*

Izuku teleports to the town to see his wife, but what he say was Yime's almost lifeless body with holes in her stomach.

Izuku- Y-yime?

This shocked her as she never heard him stutter before.

Izuku - here ill heal you

Izuku was about to heal her but she stopped him and it confused him.

Izuku- why?

Yime- its best to end it like this

She says with a weak smile

Izuku- please.... no

Then a portal open and a figure reveal came through and they saw it was there daughter.

Being Half-incubus cuased them to have to much 'fun' and it ended up in the wife of the demon to be pregnant and gave birth to baby girl named Mochi, Mochi Morningstar, Yime loved The food mochi so she name the black haired, blue eyed girl after one of the things she loves most.

Mochi- ....m-mom

She says with watering eyes

Mochi- MOM

She hugs her mother With a tight grip

Then she looks at her father


She says full on crying

Izuku- S-s-she doesn't.. want me too.

Mochi- Y-you stuttered


She says with a smile

Yime- im happy i lived such a wonderful life with you all

Izuku kisses her on the lips one last time.

Izuku- i love you

Yime starts to smile and cry

Yime- i l-love you... too

Yime's body was now lifeless

Izuku started to shed tears.

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