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Play when you see this

I feel like a bellend.

Becky has dressed me- well I dressed because my legs are still very obvious so I had to bribe her to let me change myself.

I'm dressed in light blue jeans with legs that are too short so I could only tuck them a centimeter up. With a black belt that's that thick I could hang myself with it.

I might just fucking do that actually.

And she topped that off with a RED of all Bastard colours RED t-shirt that has cuffed sleeves. I look like a member of fucking wham.

and if I get another wake me up before you fucking go go joke there will be blood.

I want to kill myself.

Please lord please just kill me, end my misery.

After I saw what I had on my body I begged Becky to let me stay home but obviously in typical Becky fashion I was basically dragged out of my house.

Me and my mum needed space anyway.

"Can you fucking smile!" Becky hugs and stands in front of the back door of the pub.

Apparently it's how they get in underage.

"You try and smile when you look like something that come straight out of a charity shop" I look down at my outfit and pull my jeans up a little bit.

"You look nice Syd, if you keep slumping I'm gonna shove a pole up your arse, look" she sighs and puts her hands on each of my arms "to be in the gang you can't not like yourself, everyday we get people looking down on us. The names we have been called, we don't put up with them because we are these big rebels and big heads"

"We put up with them because we have each other"

Fuck me.

"You can't stand there and tell me that all of them won't see a fault in me, everyone else does" I put my head down and keep my eyes on the floor.


"Sydney look at me" Becky demands and I oblige by lifting my head to look at her, she's a little bit taller than me so I have to look up a bit.

"You don't see how beautiful you are do you?" She asks and I shake my head softly.

She lifts her hand and tucks a piece of my blond hair behind my ear "well you are, and anyone that says otherwise is fucking blind" she laughs and I join.

"I love you Becky boo" I giggle and she steps away from me to undo the lock to the door.

"I love you too Sydney boo now come on, let's get pissed" she smiles and opens the door.

Should now be the time I tell her I don't drink, if I drink with medication I'll die so...

We'll see how it goes.

I follow Becky through the crowd trying to keep up with her and we finally make it to a round table and all the gang are sat around it.

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