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So this is what my 16 years of life has come to.

Sitting on a hill with blood on my hands and pain in my heart.

I just ran out of my drive and didn't stop until I got here, the place where the last race was, I can still see the skid marks in the dirt roads down below, I don't know why I come here.

I suppose this was the last place I was happy.

When the adrenaline of the race was running through my veins and the fire made my skin tingle.

Too good to be true really.

That stupid boy made me lose my fucking mind.

Everything is so loud in my head right now and I just wanted some quiet, which is what I have here.

I might make this my place, where I come for a moment to breathe.


I snap my head back to the voice behind me going to jump up when I see finn.

This little fucker.

"Well look who it is, I thought you fucking emigrated" my voice rasps, my throat feeling raw.

"You look like fucking shit" he chuckles and comes down to sit next to me as the sun sets slowly, the warmth shining on my face.

"Thank you"

"What happened to your hands?" He asks, his voice full of concern.

"Punched a wall" I shrug looking down at my knuckles looking as though they've been grated and my fingers covered in dried blood "do you come here a lot then?" I ask him, changing the subject.

"It's peaceful here," he explains bringing his knees up and draping his arms over them "what the fuck happened to you then" he laughs bumping my shoulder with his.

"Your best friend happened to me, made a bet on me" I sniffled, my full attention on the setting sun.

"You found out then" he clears his throat.

"Yep" i pop the p "your little inside joke is no longer inside"

"It got out of control, I'm so sorry Syd I-"

"Fuck off" I let out a tired laugh and look at him beside me "I'm sick of hearing how sorry you all are, I don't give a fuck"

His face turns into a picture of guilt and he can no longer keep his eyes on mine "you fooled me though finn, I have to give it to you"

"You must really think I'm disgusting though because even Harry had a hard on when he kissed me" his Adam's apple bobs violently and his skin pales "all you had was 500 quid on your mind I spose

"I don't think your disgusting in the slightest" he looks at me this time, his eyes glossed over "your so beautiful Syd"

I scoff and shake my head "the boys in this gang are fucking unbelievable" i dust my jeans off and stand up, tucking a piece of white hair that's fallen loose behind my ear.

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