Hampton Inn
Vienna, Virginia
May 09
650 hours
I awoke in a grim mood. One day until SKITTLES' operation would commence, and I had no idea what it was.
Mike interrupted my brooding by snapping awake and asking, "Wait. That conversation we had last night. Was that a dream, or did we actually have it?"
Yesterday, right before bed, I told him what had happened at Elizabeth Pasternak's party. When I finished, he had exclaimed, "Dude! You got a date with Erica Hale?!" with eyes as big as plums.
"Shhh! The walls are thin here! I don't want Cyrus activating protective-grandpa mode and karate chopping me to bits," I had replied, hastily locking the door. Not that it would do much good if Cyrus actually heard Mike. He did have a long-range hearing aid, so it looked like I was going to be pureed into a Ben-smoothie, but Cyrus decided to be merciful that day.
"Hello?" present-day Mike asked, waving a hand in front of my face. "Did you even hear my question?"
"We did have that conversation. Thanks for the support," I replied, slightly angry that he didn't think that Berica was just a dream.
"Sorry, man, but this is Ice Queen we're talking about. She hates emotions and suppresses them, if she even has any!" Mike exclaimed.
I was about to shoot back a badly-formed reply, but then I caught myself. This was one of the last days I would spend with Mike, if SKITTLES' operation went down tomorrow. Besides, he was my best friend. Mike seemed to realize the same thing and sighed.
"Sorry. For, you know, not exactly believing."
"It's fine," I said. "It's fine."
Erica and I entered our first-period science classroom and turned in the permission slips. As soon as the bell rang, Ms. Smith began talking.
"So, yesterday we wrapped up our Measurements unit, and now we're starting our Geology unit. In fact, our field trip tomorrow to the Draper Mining Site Omicron at Gainesville is our kickstarter to our new unit. As such, we'll be learning a bit of background information about Site Omicron and Draper Mining and Construction in general."
Ms. Smith started the projector and pulled up a Google Slides presentation.
"Draper Construction was founded in the year 2000, and was a family owned company. Until a couple years ago, Lew Brothers Construction owned the monopoly in the construction business, so Draper Construction was a small company. Then about two years ago, Lew Brothers Construction lost funds, Draper Construction and other small companies started to fill the niche. Draper Construction happened to be one of the most successful companies, making over half a billion dollars in profit in just six months." Ms. Smith clicked to the next slide.
"Draper Construction used the new funds to become Draper Mining and Construction. One of their first mining sites is actually the one we're going to, Site Omicron. Now, can anyone tell me the most valuable mineral there is?"
"Diamond!" someone shouted.
"No, it's red diamond," said the person next to them.
"In fact, it's neither, however, red diamond is the second-most valuable mineral," Ms. Smith clarified. She clicked over to the next slide, where there was a picture of a mineral. It looked like it could be jade, but it's green was much brighter and striking.
"This is jadeite, the most valuable mineral on Earth. It's worth over three million dollars per carat, known for it's rarity and striking beauty. Anyway, when Draper Mining and Construction first picked out Site Omicron, they were originally planning to mine for quartz. However, when they started mining they found large amounts of jadeite instead. They quickly made investments in the surrounding land." (A/N Some sites may disagree and say that blue garnet or lithium is more valuable, but my sources say jadiet. Back in 1990 a jewlery piece with jadiet sold for 9.3 million)
Spy School - Back to Basics [2]
Fanfiction[Sequel to Spy School - Nemesis] AGENT: Ben Ripley MISSION: Operation M&M's: Find SKITTLE's new leader (aka Adan Alonso's girlfriend), and take SKITTLES down for good. OBJECTIVES: 1. Enroll into your old school, and pretend to be someone new. 2. S...