How you met

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Sir Pentious: You were on your way home from a friend's house. That's when you heard a loud crash. "UGH!!! DAMN YOU CHERRI BOMB!" You turned around just to be pushed to the ground.

"HAHA SORRY!!!," Cherri yelled from the distance. Trying to stand up you get knocked down again. 'Ugh, that girl is so annoying!' you thought.

"OH MY STARS," another demon shirked, "I'M SO SORRY!" He helped you up. You decided to look up and see who it was and to your surprise you saw a cobra demon about two feet taller than you.

"Um thanks," you spoke up, slightly embarrassed, "I'm y/n." you said.

"You must already know me since I'm so famous!" He said ever so confidently. 'that's cute- I MEAN WHAT,' you thought.

"I actually don't know you," you told him. He looked at you bamboozled [yes bamboozled XD]

"OH...WELL I'M SIR PENTIOUS," he exclaimed, "FUTURE RULER OF HELL!" He exclaimed though you doubted the future ruler of hell thing but, you also thought his expectations were cute. "I'd love to stay but I must leave!"

"Ok BYE" you both waved to each other. 'The was one weird guy, he was a little cute though,' you laughed as you continue to walk home.


Tom Trench: You worked at Hell-bucks.

One normal shift you were watching all the other customers go to all the other lines except yours (for some rude reason). You keep watching not noticing someone in your line, "uh hello," The customer tried to get your attention.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't see you there," You spoke, embarrassed.

"It's ok! I'm just in a hurry." He told you, which made you sorrier than you were before because you kept this poor guy waiting.

"So, what would you like?" You asked, but he just stood there on his phone, not responding. 'Tch typical,' you thought.

"Just an iced coffee," He finally responded.

"Name?" You said with a cup in your hand.

"Tom Trench," you nodded when he said his name. 'Sounds familiar,' you spoke in your head.

"I'll have your coffee in a minute," he nodded, not really paying attention again and made his way to a nearby table.

You had his drink ready for him in less than a minute, "TOM TRENCH," The whole room went silent as he got up from his seat. "Have a wonderful day," you said, handing him his coffee. 

"Thanks! What's your name btw?" he asked you.

"Y/n," you grinned.


Alastor: You clapped when he won a small argument with Vox. When he noticed you, he began to talk to you.

"NICE COMEBACK RADIO DEMON," you shouted across the shady alley you were in.

Alastor turned around quickly, "why thank you my dear!"

"No problem," you grinned.

"If you don't mind me asking my dear," he paused, "why are you in this dark alley," he questioned.

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