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"Dray, we're late!"

"You mean you're late - I'm already dressed," Draco smirked, obnoxiously fixing his tie. He laughed when gave him a glare.

It was Harry's first day back. He just missed breakfast, waking up right as it finished. So he was currently rushing around his room looking for his tie.

The headmistress had told him he could move back to his room if he wished, he still had to go to Madame Promfrey if he had a panic attack or if he was having a bad day. Normally, Draco would come cuddle with him if he was feeling down and Harry was always grateful for that.

"Dray help me!" He whined like Teddy would. Draco rolled his eyes playfully before casually walking over the wardrobe and pulling down the lost tie, he smirked at Harry's exaggerated-offended face. Harry snatched it from his hands, lightly slapping him with it. He huffed and roughly pulled it over his head.

Draco only followed behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Suddenly an idea appeared into his head, he smirked before whispering, "Don't hit me with it again, I might get turned on."

Harry stopped fiddling with his tie as heat quickly rose to his cheeks. He turned in Draco's arms and glared once more, stilled with his cheeks flushed bright red.

"You're insufferable," Harry sighed and walked out of his room. Draco quickly caught the door just before it was about to crush his fingers.


"I have History of Magic so I'll see you at dinner," Draco quickly pecked his lips, Harry smiling sweetly in returned. The blond left the empty hallway the two were in, waving at the other boy. Harry gripped his book tightly with a dreamy smile on his face. A few moments later, he left the hallway too and back out into a crowded one of students rushing to their next period.

Harry had successfully made it through half the day with breaking down. However, the thirty pairs of eyes that would all stare at him every time he walks into another room was slowly driving him mad. He only had Herbology and Arithmacy left before he could go back to his room and relax.

Throughout Herbology, Harry remained calm. He talked to Neville most of the class, the other boy explaining or helping him catch up with anything and everything. It was always an easy lesson. He actually enjoyed it.

As son as he left the greenhouse, Harry's breathing was already picking up because he knew exactly what class he had next - Arithmacy. He quite slowly walked through the halls, dreading to step foot in the same call room he met Dylan.

Hermione softly placed her petite hand on his shoulder, "Its going to be alright. I asked Professor Jones if you could move to the front next to me and he said it was fine." She tried her best to comfort him or cheer him up slightly. Harry only falsely smiled and nodded.

They entered the classroom, Harry quickly taking in a deep breath to prepare himself. The classroom wasn't full yet meaning students still had to arrive. He sighed in relief.

Hermione pulled him over to the front row and sat down at the middle desk. Harry rolled his eyes playfully and sat down beside her. They pulled out their books and patiently waited for the professor.

"Good afternoon, eighth years," Professor Jones announced as he strolled out from his office. A murmur of replies sounded through the room. He pulled out his chair before books, paper, quills and a few other things appeared on the desk in front of him. He finally looked up to his students once he sat down.

He seemed to notice Harry right away, giving him a subtle nod and a sympathetic smile. Harry smiled tightly and awkwardly looked away - accepting sympathy from teachers is never a strong point.

The Professor cleared his throat before he continued on with the lesson, "Today we are going to look at Bridget Wenlock and her history here at Hogwarts..."


"Today wasn't awful," Harry exhaled deeply as he flopped back into his bed. The blond boy strutted in behind him, pulling off his tie and throwing it at the end of Harry's bed - it hit Harry instead.

"Hey!" Harry frowned and looked up giving Draco a mean look. The Slytherin only mockingly pouted, which made Harry huff.

Draco walked over to Harry's bed, grabbing two pull-over hoodies and two pairs of sweatpants. Unsurprisingly, both hoodies were Draco's, yet one was 'claimed' by Harry.

"I'm exhausted," Harry groaned, dragging out the last syllable.

"Well I've planned something for us," Draco winked at him before walking to the bathroom like he lived here. Harry only smiled with a confused look.

"But dinner starts in twenty minutes?" He shouted through the door. He waved at Ron and a Seamus as the two walked into the room. They waved back and continued their conversation.

All the boys he shared the room with knew about his and Draco's relationship, including Hermione and Pansy.

"Don't worry about it," he smiled, tying the tassels at the from of his trousers. He smirked when saw Harry's eyes travelling to where his hoodie lifted up. He also saw Harry's slightly disappointed expression when he saw Draco was wearing a T-shirt underneath. The blond chuckled which made Harry's head snap up, the older winked and the young her blushed.


"Your hands are weirdly soft," Harry mumbled as he blindly walked forward. The boy had his hands out in front of him, weary of walking into something.

Draco's hands were presently covering Harry's eyes, leading him down the slanted field and towards the edge of the black lake. Harry was excited but anxiously biting his lip which every step he took.

"It's called hand cream, baby. Try it," Draco stated sassily. Harry's jaw dropped dramatically.

"M-My hands are perfectly fine, thank you very much," Harry said, lightly turning pink at the nickname.

Draco only chuckled and stopped walking, "we're hear." Harry grinned and jumped up and down on his tip-toes.

"Alright, alright! Close your eyes 'cause I'm moving my hands now," Draco warned. Harry's grin turned into a small smile when he didn't fee Draco anymore.

After a few short moments, Draco mumbled, "Open your eyes."

The shorter boy's eyes fluttered, a faint light attracted his attention. He gasped at the sight; A large blanket spread across the grass, a small cheese board decorated in all types of the food, A simple picnic basket filled to the brim with treats of all sizes and flavours, a big, glass jar filled with lemonade and a couple jars with dozens of fireflies flitting about.

Harry grinned and threw his arms around Draco's neck. The blond stumbled back, slightly startled, hugging back nonetheless.

Harry giggled and pulled back, kissing him - the sensation just as perfect as the first time they kissed. Draco smiled into the kiss, pulling Harry closer to his body. The slytherin gripped tightly at Harry's sides making the smaller jump. Draco smirked.

Once they pulled back, Harry looked at the picnic again. He smiled and looked at Draco.

"This is amazing, I love...it. I love it!" He exclaimed excitedly, a small hit of nervousness in his voice. Draco, of course, picked up on it but he chose to ignore it for now, placing another delicate kiss on the boys lips.

"Harry," the blond began, taking a shaky breath he just spat it out, "Harry do you want to be my boyfriend?"

Harry immediately nodded vigorously with a bright grin rested on his face. Draco sighed in relief, giving the same grin to his - now - boyfriend.

A Dream  ➪  Drarry ✔︎ Where stories live. Discover now