We Are All Going

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I sighed through my nose as I exited my French class. No offense to Madame O'Malley, but there was only so much of her voice that I could take. Tucking my papers into my backpack as I left the class, I pulled out my sketchbook, tucking it under my arm as I began to head to my dorm.

"Yo, Walsh!"

I turned around at the sound of the voice, frowning when Takumi jogged over, towering over me with his attractive eyes observing me closely. What did he want with me after that day at the smoking hole? Probably cashing in on the paparazzi promise that Alaska pulled. "Hey..."

Takumi blinked, frowning himself now as he gestured to his face. "Takumi?"

"I know your name, genius." I sighed as I tightened my grip on my sketchbook. "I was trying to figure out what tone you were using so I could decide on an appropriate response. What do you want?" 

Takumi licked his lips as his fingers flexed against the strap of his backpack. "I wanted to apologize again."

I began to build a wall in my brain. "Is Alaska making you?"

"Ah- no, no." he corrected, a look of shock on his face. "I'm here on my own."

"Oh." Now it was my turn to be surprised. I let my wall down a little more. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I actually did feel bad." Takumi admitted, pulling down on his beanie. "I stepped out of line." I gave him a look and he chuckled, shoving his hands in his pockets as I began to walk toward my dorm, him following along. "Alright, I was way out of line."

"I think the screaming proved that." I teased with a small grin.

His face turned a little red, and he cleared his throat. "Yeah. I'm sorry. They were good pictures, though. You do photography often?"

"Sometimes." I said as we came up to my door. "I usually draw and paint. Sometimes I write. You...want to see?"

After a small nod, I opened the door. Takumi's mouth fell a little as he saw my wall covered in a lot of the drawings, pictures and paintings I'd done, walking forward to view them closer. "Holy... holy shit. You're good."

"I guess." I blushed as he opened up one of my sketchbooks and began to flip through the pages. "I mean, it's just a couple of quick sketches and swatches."

Takumi held up a page of the lake that had admittedly taken me over a week to do. "Quick my ass. Now I really regret yelling."

"Why's that?"

"Well, first off, I wouldn't have gotten to see any of this. Second," he closed my sketchbook and turned toward me with a smirk. "I wouldn't have gotten to meet the girl that stares at me in class."

Daisy Petals~ Looking for AlaskaWhere stories live. Discover now