The Beginning: Depression Stimulation

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"The baby's coming!" A man shouts from the distance. "Hurry up! We need to go!" Says the woman in labor. This is Ishida's parents, Chris and Ishiko Kirio. Her siblings, Ishido and Mika head to they're neighbor's house to wait until their mother comes back. After making it to the hospital, you could already see the baby's head. "Okay ma'am. We need you to push for us." The doctor tells Ishiko. She pushes, screams and cries as she holds on to her husband's hand. A few moments later, a beautiful baby girl is born. "She's beautiful." Ishiko mutters weakly. Chris hugs her. "Great job honey." He mutters. The baby laughs and hugs her mother's face. "She's so precious." Chris mutters. Chris's sister, Vicki calls. "Hello?" Chris mutters. "She's here. The baby finally came. Her name is Ishida." Chris says. Vicki smiles. "That's a relief. Is she healthy?" She asks. "She's just fine." Chris smiles. After talking for a bit longer, Chris hangs up the phone. He looks at Ishiko and Ishida. "Rest well my love." Chris smiles and sits next to her. A few hour later, Vicki, Ishido, and Mika arrive. "Mommy!" Mika exclaims. "Careful honey. Your little sister is still sleeping." Ishiko says. Mika looks at Ishida. "She's so pretty." Mika says. Ishida wakes up. She squeaks like a happy baby. This is only the beginning of Ishida's life. When she makes about seven years old, she makes a friend. She and him play for a while in the outskirts of their home in Iwagakure. "My mom's calling! See ya tomorrow Dei-Chan!" Ishida smiles. Deidara waves at her. "What is it mom?" She mutters. She walks in to see her now deranged father strangling her mother. "Daddy? What are you doing?!" She shouts. "Ishida. Move to the city with your aunt. You'll be safe there." She says weakly. "MAMA!" She shouts. "I love you." She mutters before her neck burst into pieces. She sees all her clan members headless and dead on the ground. As her aunt takes her away, she shouts and shouts. Her aunt runs away to the city. They find themselves in a bright city, much more colorful than Iwagakure. Ishida cries in her aunt's arms. "Don't cry honey. We'll be okay." Vicki mutters. "First we have to fit in." She mutters. Ishida cries in her aunt's arms. "I know sweetie. It'll be okay. We have to send you to school now." Vicki mutters. "I don't wanna." Ishida mutters with her face buried in her aunt's arms. "You have to honey. I don't wanna be put in prison. Let's start looking for schools." She says. "NO!" Ishida shouts. "You don't have a choice hon." Vicki mutters quietly. She squirms around in her aunt's arms. "It's okay sweetie. Modern schools will be fun!" Vicki exclaims. "I want my mommy.." Ishida cries. "I know. I know. Let's go in. I'll get you some tissues." Vicki mutters. They go into the house. Ishida cries on one of the blankets. Vicki comes back with an old ouija board and some tissues. "You may be a bit too young, but I'll introduce you to black magic. Hold out your hand sweetheart." She says. Ishida holds out her hand. "Now say bee come to me." She says. "Bee come to me..." Ishida mutters. Soon enough, a little bee cans and sat on her hand. The bee buzzes as if saying hi. "It just talked! It's said hi!" Ishida laughs. "See! Pretty cool! Now, we're gonna talk our family. Niki, Mommy, Mika, everyone." Vicki says. "Cousin Niki died too?!" Ishida starts to cry again. "Hey hey sweetie. Yes, my daughter died too, but we're gonna talk to her using this board!" Vicki says. Ishida wipes tears off her face and looks at the board. "Put your hand on the rock." Vicki says. They both put their hands on the rock.  "Ishiko! Niki! Mika! Ishido! Nick! Can you hear us?!" Vicki shouts. A wave of extreme cold comes over them as the rock on the board directs itself to yes. "Mommy....big sis....big bro... cousin Niki..... uncle Nick.....are you really here...?" Ishida mutters. Once again, it directs to yes. "Ishiko, hug your daughter so she can know that you're here." Vicki says. Ishida feels arms around her and a kiss on the forehead. "I'm here baby girl. Mommy's here." A voice says. "Mommy..." Ishida mutters with tears in her eyes. "I...I wanna see you mommy. Come back.." She mutters. "I can't time to be with you is running on for me baby girl...mommy loves you....I'm always watching..." Ishiko says. Ishida feels more pairs of arms hugging her. "Hey little cuz.....I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer.....I love you....get a boyfriend for me would ya." Niki says fading away. "We love you Ishida.." She hears them say. Ishida breaks down in tears again as the cold feeling fades away. Vicki wipes the tears from her face. "It's okay darling. I'll make you something to eat." Vicki says taking the ouija board back to the closet and walking into the kitchen. After about an hour, she comes back into the living room with a plate of food. "There you go sweetheart. Eat up. You're going to school tomorrow. You're in 3rd grade right?" Vicki mutters with a forkful of food in her mouth. "Okay." She mutters very quietly. Ishida puts a forkful of food in her mouth. "Lift your head sweetheart. You can't eat like that." Vicki mutters. "Why not?" Ishida asks lifting her head to reveal her terrifying red eyes and sharp teeth. "Baby...what happened to your face....?" Vicki asks. "What do you mean Auntie Vicki?" She mutters. "Your eyes are read and your teeth are very sharp. With this new face please wear a mask." Vicki mutters. "Okay. I'll go to bed now. I have school right?" Ishida mutters quietly. "Y..yes. Goodnight sweetheart. Your mother told me she would stay with you tonight. So stay warm okay?" Vicki mutters. "Mkay. Goodnight Auntie. I love you." Ishida mutter going upstairs to her bee customed room. She puts on her black and yellow nightgown and goes to sleep. Years from this moment has passed she is now in Jr high.

That's the end of this chapter! Stay tuned for chapter 2: Excitement! Into UA High We Go!

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