Chapter 8 water and canoes here we go

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After the whole fiasco of phobia factor I honestly just wanted to sleep and lose myself in a dream for the next day but of course life isn't that kind to me and we had another challenge; after doing my daily routine and picking him out for today I decided to go for a black top black shorts and my leather jacket with combat boots.
Soon we were all gathered in the beach wanting to know the challenge of course we were all so excited notice the sarcasm.
Chris: Bass, gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience, a canoe trip you'll be paddling your canoes across the lake to Boney Island.
Honestly I'm not surprised that Chris tried to do that scary voice but he being him, it just sounded too lame to be true.
Chris: when you get there you must Portage your canoes to the other side of the island which it's about a two-hour hike three treacherous dense jungle.
Geoff: we've got to pour what?
Chris: Portage dude walk with your canoe.
Geoff sweetie I know you're not the most brilliant around here but you've got to have at least two brain cells in that cage you call a head.
Chris: when you arrive at the other end of the island you'll build a rescue fire that will be judged by me the first team to paddle home and returned arcanos to the beach is the winner of invincibility move campers move!!!
And with that everyone start to run well I didn't loan I'd try to walk I don't trust correct for a second and this challenge has a lot of trouble if it means to build a fire do you know how Izzy is?she's going to burn the entire Island!
Chris: Oh wait one more thing I should mention legend has it if you take anything of the island you'll be cursed forever.
Luna: quick question if I brought something from the island and place it on Lindsey's bag would the curse be transferred to her?
Chris: I'm not entirely sure actually.
Luna: cool I've got experiment to make.
Lindsay tried to send me a glare but in reality she looked like she was constipated,guess that only I inherited mom's icy glare.
Owen: yeah a cursed Island!!
Once again the giant bowl of sunshine and farts reminds us that he will see anything from the positive side,and like always we stared at him like he had two heads.
Chris: now getting to your canoes and let's have some fun!
Even though I believe we're supposed to be running since this is more like a race we started to slowly walk towards the bay, and for whatever reason I feel we're forgetting something maybe it's not really that important.
After walking alongside Duncan I got to see a little lovey dovey eyes from Gwen and Trent it's obvious those two belong together, even though Romans generally makes me want to puke this seems kind of sweet in a weird way.
Duncan: what's up gorgeous thinking about me?
Luna: in your dreams lover boy, I like seeing those two flirt with each other without even noticing it.
Duncan: true true, do you think those two will be together by the end of the season.
Luna: season? I bet you they will be together before the weekend!.
Duncan: Oh yeah? How much are you willing to bet into that?
Luna: 10 bucks!
And before even knowing it we shaked hands and were gonna go towards a canoe when I saw my lovely sister pulling Trent away from Gwen, not surprised here honestly she will get all the help she can get from man and she doesn't mind sharing her body, as long as the man who are helping her give her a good hand I guess she's the perfect example by The end justifies the means.
Suddenly I'm pulled towards Harold and Sadie by Duncan,looks like we're going to be a team not that I mind but why pulling the weak one, I guess it's better than being with stuck up princess.
Well we were trying to pull the canoe towards the water, When I saw the funniest thing ever Owen carrying Heather and literally blamed her inside of the canoe I wished I had my camera.
Duncan: don't lose focus wolfie we need to get this shit done as quick as possible.
Luna: yeah yeah let me just enjoy this.
We finally we're ready and that's when I noticed the position Duncan hugging my waist and say the and Harold were the ones that were going to paddle.
Luna:Smart but hands off delincuent.
Duncan:nah you like it, you would have punched me if you didn't like it.
Luna:true that.
Chris: on your marks get set, PADDLE!
And with that the race started and as far as I'm concerned we're not doing good.
As we relaxed I mean well paddled,our two slaves, I mean friends decided that they would paddle faster.
And that's when I saw my oblivious bloody sister laying directly on Trent's crutch.
Why am I not surprised that she would do something like this I just hope I seriously wish that Gwen doesn't see anything of this I don't want to see her heartbroken I mean I like the girl she would be more of a sister than Lindsay.
Duncan: you're growling again.
Luna: (growls) no I'm not!
Duncan: you growL every time you see your sister, or you're mad about something, so go on what's happening with your majesty?
Luna: nothing out of the ordinary I suppose Lindsay always is flirting with every male in the camp and now she's flirting with Trent and I'm seriously hoping Gwen doesn't see this!,oh well a part of me wants her to see this only so I can see how she beats her up!
Duncan: I admire that you want to take care of your friend but it's really none of your concern right now maybe you can help her later but right now we have to concentrate gorgeous don't let your anger do something more regret later how about this, when the challenge and you get your revenge on her or you tell Gwen about it?
Finally we arrived and I'm not going to lie this place reeks Friday 13th vibes, I'm still going to take a picture of this place when I get my camera.
Izzy: okay did you see that skull how cool is that it's like this place is haunted or something!
Luna:Yo E-Scope don't go partying without me, this place looks fucking awesome!
Gwen: let's just get this over with!
We started to carry our canoes, and ran like our lifes depended on it, I mean this place is scary a little bit here mostly because of those skulls everywhere now I see why they call it a bony Island, and everyone was very scared I mean I'm a little but it's not like I'm terrified of this place it's just a place maybe I'm terrified of the mosquitoes.
We quickly passed the other team and we were now in two way path.
Dj: which way are we going to go?
Courtney: left definitely left!.
Jeff: I don't know I think we should take the one on the right.
Bridgette: the right trail is wider.
Jeff smiled at her, and while I was hoping for her to smile back got a snarky answering return I'm quite surprised at that I mean those two were like two peas in a pod wonder what happened.
Bridgette: what are you looking at?
So we took that path and off we went, nothing too exciting honestly.
Until Jeff "broke" his leg, I don't care and I don't know what is going on between him and Bridget but if he makes us lose this challenge I'm so gonna vote for him!.
Jeff:Oh my leg!! IM DOWN!,oh it's so unfair!, Why did this have to happen now!, Why!?, Why!?
Jeff: you got to go on without me!
I just look towards Duncan.
Luna: you're a man please explain the situation?
Duncan: don't have all the contacts but from what I can gather I can say this is a little way of pairing those two up and I can say this was made by DJ and Jeff himself.
Luna: noted duly noted.
Miss princess was trying to leave but instead of doing this that favor DJ stopped her.
Dj: we're not leaving any Man behind!
Luna: DJ sweetie if she wants to go let her go!
Obviously she glared at me but not that I mind I mean I don't care about her but it's funny to make her angry.
I didn't know if I was going to make it was touch and go!
Bridgette 🏄‍♀️
I've seen surfers get eaten by sharks before but this, this was horrifying.
The man just kept going dude's got heart!
I'm not entirely sure what happened to those two but I swear this is getting ridiculous I mean I get it you want to pair up your two friends but please we don't do plans so stupidly obvious I mean come on! it's just a stupid splinter!
~~~~~~~~~~~~end of confessions~~~~
So we carried him for the rest of the race, finally we arrived at the beach where we were supposed to do the fireplace one of my favorite parts of this race, we literally set  the fire thanks to Duncan's lighter it's not that it was prohibited or anything and Chris backEd me up on that.
Chris: no rule against carrying lighters Edge killer bass.
Nobody think about it I'm surprised they haven't used Izzy's no Legends surviving I mean she was practically a Savage when we were little I wouldn't be surprised if She burned the entire Island.
Distracting by some weird noises that came from Jeff he was how do I put it crawling himself to put some three sticks in the fire?.
Honestly I don't know anymore, Courtney look at him weirdly and for once I agree with her this is weird.
Dj: Bridgette you've got first aid training right? maybe you could check out Jeff's wounds he might have gangrene.
Jeff:or jungle rot or athlete's foot.
Cortney: I don't think this is going to be big enough!
Luna: for once I agree with you, we should probably look for more wood.
Dj: you heard the ladies we need more wood guys!
God damn it if only I could remember the recipe of that fire igniter easy once teached me that thing blew half of our camp especially the kitchen that hot destroyed,and I won't forget my grandfather's face he was furious but at the same time he was laughing it was weird.
I I was still trying to remember the recipe when I saw something that made me furious Harold being the idiot he is, decided to throw the paddles into the fire!
Luna: what is the name of fucking hell did you just do!?
Bridgette: how are we supposed to get home now!?
Well we were screaming at Harold for being a complete idiot I noticed Izzy make the kamikaze bomb.
Luna: oh shit you guys want to take cover!
I screamed while covering myself in a big rock
Courtney: Luna this is not the time for your games!
Luna: I'm not fucking playing princess they're going to throw a fucking bomb in the fire and I'm sure as hell not going to get my hair burned by that!
Courtney:what are you..?
And just like that her question got cut up short when the bomb was thrown inside the fire creating a giant explosion just like I predicted.
It was obvious that thanks to that fire we lost the fire builder part of the challenge so now it was time for the race to the camp not going to lie I knew we're going to lose anyway.
Now we get to a friend the second problem caused by Harold we don't have paddles.
Bridgette: what are we going to do without paddles!?
Luna: I suggest using Harold as the paddle
Izzy: you guys could get someone to swim behind the boats and push them, I did that once for this huge like 60 foot yacht, the whole crew had to flutter kick for like 8 days to get to shore in like four of us got eaten by sharks, I didn't not me but it was really insane okay later!
They paddled away.
Courtney: is she even telling the truth?
Luna: trust me that happened I was there not a pretty experience but one of the best.
Jeff: that might work!
Bridgette: we need someone big enough to push out the canoes back! DJ you're the only one who's strong enough.
Jeff: you can't ask him to do that dude can't swim!
Bridgette: Jeff I know your friends but DJ's the only chance we've got
Courtney: she's right those skinny arms aren't going to cut it.
Jeff: I'll do it
Bridgette: you can't swim with that kind of injury!You're horribly disfigured!
Again it's just a splinter.
Dj: I can do this,I have to!
Jeff: that is one brave man!
En the end dj swam us to victory, we won!, With a few scratches!.
I have a feeling that my good friend is going to be expelled so I'm going to say goodbye to her before they kill her or before she gets eliminated or located whatever happens first.
Luna:Yo E-Scope, I'mma miss you a lot you little bitch!
Izzy: Aww white wolf I'm gonna miss you too! But we can get in contact that is of I don't get caught first!
Luna:I sure hope so!
In the end Izzy left because of the RCMP  I heard she scaped towards the island I know she will be fine.
Author San here my little monsters and IM SORRY I LEFT YOUUUU!!!!! UNIVERSITY WAS HARDDD but I'm back for a while and I'll try to update as soon as possible

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