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You spent most of your morning thinking about Sinclair. You wake up, Sinclair. Brush your teeth, Sinclair. Make tea, Sinclair. You just couldn't seem to get him out of your mind. You found that spending time with Sinclair yesterday was truly relaxing, the way he nattered on was endearing, and the way he looked at you made you feel so warm. Looking forward to seeing him again this evening, you sifted through your closet and grabbed a white sundress to change into before he picked you up.

The tea kettle on the stove began to boil, as you poured the boiling water into a mug the phone on the counter rang. Sure enough, when you picked up the phone Sinclairs smooth voice washed over your ears. "(y/n)! Good morning!"

"Good morning Sinclair! It's good to hear from you. What's up?" You smiled, fidgeting with the tea bags as Sinclair began to tell you about his morning.

"I've got a couple of minutes before my first meeting, I just wanted to check to make sure you were still ok with coming to dinner tonight." He was fidgeting with his pen and making little doodles on his paper hoping that you hadn't changed your mind.

"Of course Sinclair, I'm looking forward to it." You looked over at the white dress you had picked out for tonight, excited to see Sinclairs reaction.

"Good, I'll see you at 5, have a good day (y/n)."

"You too Sinclair."

You grabbed your keys, dress, and tea, smiling ear to ear as you walked down the street toward the bakery. Slipping inside, you said hello to Julie and as you had suspected she bothered you all day, asking for every detail about Sinclair. Eventually you caved, giving her every detail you could about your time with Sinclair. You were happy to talk to someone about how much you enjoyed spending time with him, instead of keeping your thoughts to yourself. Customers came in and out of the store, as time passed you kept an eye on the clock waiting for Sinclair to arrive. With fifteen minutes until five, you slipped into the back and pulled the white dress over your head. It hugged you in all the right places and you admired your appearance in the mirror before the bell on the door rang.

You heard Julie tell Sinclair that you were in the back and she would let you know that he was here. You took one more glance in the mirror and straightened your dress out before heading out to the front. As you turned the corner you could see Sinclair standing at the front of the shop, looking down at the display case just as he was the last time. He heard your steps moving towards the front of the store, as he looked up his eyes widened and his gaze followed you as you walked around the counter into the store front. You stopped just in front him, his eyes briefly meeting yours before they scanned up and down your body admiring every detail.

"You look beautiful."

"You look good too Sinclair," you giggled, nudging his shoulder slightly. He offered you his hand, wrapping your hand in his, you waved to Julie as Sinclair led you out the door to his car. He smiled, looking over at you making sure you were in safely before putting the car in drive and pulling away.

The wind was blowing through your hair as you and Sinclair talked about your day. You listened more than talked, but you didn't mind. Sinclair's voice was soothing, even if you weren't paying attention to the detailed business plans and data analysis that he went on about, you just enjoyed listening to him. Every so often he would look over at you, catching your eye and smiling as you watched him talk.

Sinclair pulled the car up a long driveway and as you pulled your gaze off of Sinclair you noticed that there was a beautiful house in front of you. It was huge, surrounded by gorgeous greenery, and beautiful brick detailing caught your eye. Sinclair chuckled to himself and smiled, watching you take in the scenery as he pulled further up the driveway finally parking the car. He stepped out of the car opening your door for you, you stood beside him gazing up at the house.

"Sinclair, it's lovely."

"Then I shall give you the grand tour." He grabbed your hand and pulled you through the large double doors at the front of the house. He continued to hold your hand as he pulled you through the entire house. Bounding up and down the stairs, weaving in and out of rooms, and adding information about the interior of the rooms as he went along. Sinclair looped around the house and pulled you back into the kitchen, still holding your hand, he slowly dropped it and leaned against the counter, crossing his arms over his chest. "What do you think?"

"You have a very nice house Sinclair, but I think I need to use your restroom," you said, placing your hand on his arm as you left the kitchen. You could feel Sinclairs gaze on you as you wandered down the hall.

When you returned Sinclair was engrossed in a bowl of grapes. Leaning on the counter next to him, you plucked a grape from the bowl and placed it in your mouth. "Ahh you're back. I've put a lasagna in the oven that I prepared last night, it should be ready in an hour."

"And what do you have planned for that hour Sinclair?"

"You must see the gardens, you'll love them, I promise." He grabbed your hand once again and pulled you out the back door. A small gravel path lead to a beautiful stretch of gardens with a wide variety of flowers. You walked side by side peacefully with Sinclair once again, except this time you found that his fingers were intertwined with your own and his thumb was pressing circles into your hand. This didn't feel weird or rushed, in fact, you felt completely relaxed as Sinclair held your hand and the cool breeze blew past you as you listened to Sinclair recite details of each flower as you passed by.

As you and Sinclair made your way back to the entrance Sinclair fell behind as you admired a hanging basket full of callie flowers. You felt him brush up behind you as he reached over your shoulder picking just one callie flower that hung over the edge of the basket. He placed his hand on your shoulder as he slowly spun you around. His large hand brushed the side of your face as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear placing the callie flower along with it. For a brief moment his hand lingered in your hair as his eyes locked on to yours. Soon, his hand dropped back down to yours locking your fingers together again.

"Ready for dinner?" He asked softly, you responded with a nod as he led you out of the gardens and back up towards the house. Sinclairs hand was still in your as he pulled you into a conservatory filled with plants. In the center of the room there was a round table that was draped with a white tablecloth and it was set with plates, two sets of silverware, red napkins, and to top it off a small candle that smells like fresh citrus was burning in the center of the table. "Sinclair when did you have time to do this?"

"When you went to the bathroom earlier, it only took a few moments," he smiled, happy that you had noticed he took time to set up a nice dinner just for you. He walked you over to your hair pushing it in as you sat down. His hands traveled up your arms and landed on your shoulder, his thumbs pressing rough circles into your muscles. You let yourself sink back into his touch as he massaged your shoulders. He leaned down towards your shoulder as he brought one hand to your hair and brushed it to one side of your face. His lips were right next to your ear when his velvety voice filled the room.

"I shall return with our food." His voice filled your ear and it sent a shiver down your entire body and before you could recover you felt Sinclair placing a kiss on your temple. His lips were soft and you could feel his nose nestled into your hair as he lingered for a moment before slowly pulling away. You melted back into the chair, your eyes following Sinclair as he left the room to grab your dinner.

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