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"Come on August! I gotta go get Hailey and Bailey!" You shouted.

"I'm coming!" She came from her room wearing your shirt.

"Are you seriously wearing my shirt?" You gave her a look.

"Yes I am." She flipping her hair and you rolled your eyes.

You went to the car without saying anything to your sister, she got in the passenger seat and you got into the driver's side. You then drove to Bailey's place first and when you got there you honked the horn for her to know that your here.

"Hey (y/n)!" She got in the back set on the left side.

"Hey Bailey." You drove off to Haileys place and honked the horn so she knows that your there. She walked out and got into the back sit at the right side.

~Time jump for 2 hours so now you guys arrived at comic con~

All four of yall got out the car and August saw Chris Hemsworth and screamed whiched caused him to walked over.

"Hey guys." He took August hand and kissed it and she blushed hard!

"H-hi!" She blushed so hard her cheek were bright red!

You walked away from them and looked around for Sebastian who your dieing to meet! You didnt see him anywhere whiched made you sad.

Hours went by and you still haven't meet Sebastian. Hailey meet Chris Evan's aka her celebrity crush, and Bailey meet Tom Holland aka her celebrity crush.

You all walked back to your car and you weren't looking where you were walking, you walked into a guy with beautiful blue eyes and long dark hair.

"I'm so sorry! I didnt watch where I was walking!" You looked up and saw Sebastian.

"Its fine Doll, no big deal." He smiled and took your hands and kissed them and you blushed.

"I should get back to my car." You took your hands out of his and walked away, you looked back and he was looking at you as you walked away. Yet agian you weren't looking where you were walking and you walked into your car.

You looked away embarrassed and opened your car door and got in.

"What was that!" August said with shock in her voice.

"What? It was nothing."

"Nothing! Girl yall wouldn't keep your eyes off of eachother!" Hailey said as she got into the car.

Bailey got into the car before she said anything and then she said "Did you get his number?"

"What?! No!"

"Then what are you waiting for! Go get that number!" August pushed you out the car to get his number.

He was about to leave until you walked up to him and tapped his shoulder.

He turned around "Hey it's you again!"

"Yup me Hi uhhh" you looked back at your friends and sister as they were watching you.

"You need anything?" He asked as he turned your head with his hand.

"Uhhh yeah ummm can I get your number?" You hesitated to say that.

"I was gonna ask you that before you left! Sure" You gave him your phone and he put his number in.

"Thanks" you walked back to the car and you shot him a text and he texted back.

You drove back home and you couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. You didn't think he would actually give you his number. You thought he would say No and just walked away. You didn't expect what just happened.

(Sebs pov)
Yup I just did that... I gave that beautiful young lady my number. I didnt catch her name, I should ask her that.

Seb: hey it's me Sebastian... I didnt catch your name.

(y/n): Its (y/n)!

Seb: That's a beautiful name.

So her name is (y/n). She has a beautiful name for a beautiful young lady.

I walk to where Chris and Anthony was and they were both smiling at me.

"What's with the smiles?" I asked as I walked next to them.

"We saw you with that girl earlier" Anthony said as I gave him a confused look.

"Dont lie Seb! You were smiling at your phone! Its  obviously that girl." Chris nudged me in the arm.

"I dont know what you guys are talking about." I lied, I knew exactly what they were talking about.

"As you say so! But I think you just found your soulmate." Anthony stated.

"Pfft, that's impossible!" I just meet the girl and their already saying that shes my soulmate. That's what they said about the other one!

"Fine, I'll see you guys tomorrow." Chris waved bye and me and Anthony waved at him.

"Want me give you a ride?" Anthony asked

"I can drive myself home. Thanks anyways" I walked to my car as Anthony went to his and we drove home.

(y/n) POV
You got home and Hailey and Bailey asked to stay the night and you let them stay. August went to her room and your phone buzzed. It was Sebastian.

Seb: Hey I was wondering if you like to meet up at the coffee shop?

Me: yeah I'd love that!

Seb: Great! well ima get some sleep, sweet dreams (y/n).

Me: Night

You powered off your phone and got ready for bed, you and the girls watched movies and ate popcorn you guys eventually got tired and went to bed.

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