.:.A Long Journey.:.

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Trigger warning- some scenes may be found disturbing by some audiences. Please proceed to caution <3


Dark fog drifted along the floor that seemed to glow with the lights of the bright red moons above it. Beetle looked forward, her eyes burning with the ashes that floated in the on going breeze. A large dragonet stood near the edge of the drop off, their blood stained scales telling Beetle that they worked with the enemy. The wind carried the sounds of struggle and cries of other dragons. Alpha leaping towards the dragon, a blue sphere like shape dropped from the Mudwing's hold.

"The egg! Get the Egg!"


A soft crack rang out, everything seem to freeze, Beetle hurried forward, scrambling to try and grab the underdeveloped hatchling from the ground. Her dark and light scales telling Beetle that this was in fact, Puffin.


The dragonet that they were told to protect. Told to keep safe or everything would go down hill.


The dragonet now limp in the dark brown talons of what was supposed to be her protector.

The scene shifted, her talon's were no longer her own but someone else's. The ground no longer dark and tinted red but a cool stone. The hatchling now similar to that of an Icewing, a small frill just barely visible as it ran down it's back. She lifted her head to look up, being met with the wide grin of a Nightwing. Were they the one who draped the egg? The dragons before her said nothing before they flew off, cruel twisted laughter slowly faded as they flew away.

"Mama?" A voice called from behind Beetle, or whoever's body she was in, causing her to turn, being met with a small dragonet,their scales pure white in some sections.

"Yes? Boa dear?"

That name.

Those scales.

That voice.

"Will Dada.."

"No dear.. He won't be alright. but..But he's safe now.." Shallow's voice shook, no matter how hard she tried to keep steady. It was like Beetle was watching the world through her mother's eyes.but this scene.. This was the last thing she wanted to view through those dark purple orbs.

She was back. Back at the mountain. The hatchling was gone, a sharp spear now stuck in her chest, the metal head now a bright red. The one who must've down it slowly neared, the talon clicks growing closer and closer.

"Wake up Love! The Deepwing should be here shortly!" Crystal's voice cheered from beside the tribrid. Beetle let her eyes flutter open, almost instantly regretting it as the ice made the morning sun much brighter.

"The.. what?"Beetle groaned, pushing herself up from the comfy nest.

"The Deepwing! Now come, come. Rime was so generous this morning that her and Hare had picked up some breakfast from the market." as if just on cue as they walked down the hall and entered, what could only be assumed as, the dining hall. A large cart was pulled in, various fruits and exotic animals that could only be found in the Icewing kingdom, rested atop metal plates.

"Well don't just stand there. Eat up!" King Crystal smiled as he grabbed a berry from a bowl he'd been eyeing for a while now, probably looking for the perfect one.

And Eat up they did. The food didn't last very long but everyone was still able to get a taste of almost everything there.

Once finished, King Crystal stood from his sitting position, glass in hand.

"It is an honor to have these dragonets here today, in my palace." The Icewing smiled as he looked to each dragonet. Finally. Finally something was going right.

"May the Gods light their path and may this journey go well for us." Once he had finished his words, he drank the rest of the liquid from the glass. Beetle smiled to herself. Why couldn't life be like this back at the school?

Crystal stretched as he neared the exit of the dinning hall.

"Get yourselves ready! We'll be heading out shortly!" that king never seemed to fail at having a cheery attitude, even if he looked frightening. Maybe that's why everyone respected him. Beetle giggled to herself as she looked to Tavi and Macaw. The Rainwing had the egg is the leather pouch around his neck, Tavi standing up slightly to reach the blue shape, a spoon full of some form of soup, lightly tapping the shell with it.

Parenthood always seemed like such a wonder, having a small creature that relied on you to keep it safe.


"The egg! Get the egg!"

Alpha nudged Beetle slightly with his wing, Crow and Angelfish looking at the tribrid as well.

"Something wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost?" Alpha chuckled lightly, the mood shifting slightly.

"No.. Just cold." Beetle shook her head, walking towards the exit of the extravagant dining hall. Angelfish catching up to her as the Sandwing was almost fully out of the doorway.

"You sure you're alright, Love? You looked like something gave you quite the scare back there." Similar to Alpha, Angelfish had always seemed to try to lighten the mood, her soothing accent always seeming to help a much darker situation.

"Just had a bad dream last night?"

The past few nights.

"Oh? Would you mind sharing? Maybe, talking will help." The pastel tribrid slowed her steps, silencing the soft taps on talons on ice.

"It was dark.. And the egg, it broke, someone broke the egg!" Amber eyes widened as Beetle spoke, reliving that horrible dream. Angelfish lightly rubbed her wing against Beetle's, another attempt at calming the Sandwing.

"and..and,I saw my father.. My Sibling. My brother. But it wasn't through my eyes!" Angelfish stayed quite as Beetle explained, humming softly.

"I was reliving an event from my mother's life. then .. then it switched back. There was a spear.. Here." as she mentioned the spear, Beetle lifted her talon, running the sharp claw in a circle in the spot where the spear poked out.

"Maybe after we get back from the Skywing kingdom.. You should head back home." Angelfish waited till Beetle was done, folding her wing back at her side.

"This whole journey. Dear. It seems to be taking a toll on you. It'd be good for the egg too. A lot of travel isn't good for something as fragile as a seawing egg."

Beetle sighed and nodded.

"It'd be good to see mamba again.. He'd love to hear about all of this." Beetle chuckled, her words still a bit shaken.

"Ladies! The Deepwing should be here any moment now, hurry and get your winged behinds out here!" Crystal called from outside the palace. Had they gone out one of the other exits?

Snow crunched under taloned hands as Beetle leapt down the final step.

"We need to head to the ocean,just near t-the back of the kingdom." Hare looked towards the direction he spoke about. King Crystal nodded and off they flew. The journey was short, but still lasted a good while. The view stunning. The kingdom of ice glimmered in the sunlight, looking similar to that of crystals. Once the dragonets, the king, and the two guards landed,the group padded towards a large cliff that hung over a bright blue ocean.

This was it.

After this...

Beetle could finally go home. 


I do not own DeepWings, they're a fantribe made by one of my very good friends, Night. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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