.:.Dark Ice.:.

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Beetle stood, walking away from Crow's grasp as she looked through the bars, watching a guard take Macaw by the chains, dragging him towards the barred door, shoving him in before grabbing a hold of Crow, pulling him into the arena. Beetle grabbed a hold of Crow's talon, giving him a worried look before letting it go watching as the bars lowered, separating them.

"Next we have Crow of the Ice and NightWings verses Darkfire of the NightWings!" Queen Sunfire roared sitting back in her throne that stood atop the ledge. Beetle narrowed her eyes at the NightWing, turning to Macaw.

"Crow can't take him." She mumbled, looking down at her talons. Macaw wrapped his tail around her, trying to avoid pressing his firescales against her dark brown ones.

"Remember how Shallow treated him in battle training?" The Rainwing asked, turning his gaze to the battle. Beetle nodded, a small chuckle escaping her snout.

"She treated him worse than me.." She smiled, waiting for the Queen's que to start the battle.

" Exactly! If he can take your mother in battle, i'm sure he can take a NightWing." Macaw smiled. Beetle nodded at his words, her ears lowering as she heard the queen's words.

"Claws up! Teeth ready! Fight!" and with that, Crow readied himself, his tail slowly swaying behind him as he watched the NightWing. DarkFire wasn't much smaller than Crow, His bright orange eyes stood out against his dark scales and long talons.  The NightWing lowered himself, similar to how Macaw did in his battle, his eyes narrowing at Crow. Beetle nervously shifted her talons, watching the two of them.

"Is one of them going to make a move?" Macaw asked, seeming a bit annoyed, not that he wanted to see his friend get hurt. 

"Didn't one of the scrolls say that NightWings could read minds?" Beetle asked quietly, her eyes not moving from the two dragons. Macaw nodded, understanding what she was getting at. 

"yeah.. I supposed you're right. Do you think he reading Crow's?"

"There's a slim possibility." Beetle shifted her talons once more, leaning her head forward. Macaw removed his tail from around the smaller dragonet. Crow went to hit the NightWing with his tail, watching as he leapt out of the way, landing a long scratch across Crow's side. The IceWing stumbled, jumping at the NightWing was more, his jaws pushing into his neck scales,  biting down with as much might as his jaws would allow him to use. Darkfire roared out clawing Crow where ever his talons would reach. Crow turned, meeting Beetle's gaze, watching her open her jaw, pointing inside. Crow nodded, pulling away from the NightWing. Crow readied himself, feeling the cold ice breath inside his mouth. Crow opened his mouth, his ice breath freezing the dragon before him. was it over? was that all he had to do? Beetle watched as the icey prison around Darkfire began to crack. no, it wasn't over.

 it had only just started.

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