Iron Man - Part 1

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The woman woke up gasping, and as she looked around the room confused. She was in a hospital room she realized, and that she was hooked up to an IV drip and heart monitor which produced a steady beat. She was still confused and she panicked making the heart monitor speeding up a little, then ripped the IV from her arm and the heart monitor from her finger and threw them to the ground. She slid her legs of the side of the bed, rested her head in her hands and silently cried. The door of her room opened and a nurse rushed in.

"What's wrong?" The nurse asked worriedly.

"I'm so confused." The woman sobbed.

"Alright. I'm going to ask you a few simple questions." The nurse told her and after a nod from the woman, she began her questions. "Do you know what year it is?"

"No." The woman said shaking her head, sobbing.

"Do you know where you are?" The nurse asked her.

"I don't know, a hospital?" She said unsure, and wiped the tears off her face.

"That's right." The nurse said, smiling and nodding her head. "Do you know what your name is?"

The woman lifted up her head, looking into the nurses eyes. "Emily Stark."

*** 2 weeks later ***

A figure appeared up above the horizon of the sandy hill, seconds later followed by helicopters. "Heeey," Tony yelled waving his hand in the air. "Ahahah." He laughed waving with one arm as he jumped up and down and yelled, "Yeeeah!" Then fell to his knees holding up a peace sign.

The helicopter landed and Rhodey climbed out and ran towards Tony followed by four other men. "How was the fun-vee?" He asked Tony. He put his right hand on Tony's left shoulder and crouched down in front of Tony as he sat on the ground. "Next time you ride with me okay?" He said and gave Tony a one armed hug with his right arm.


Today is the day I'm going home. I had been told that I had been in a coma for 2 years after a car accident. Over the past two weeks I went through several tests, including neurological and physical tests to make sure I was ready to go home, and I was more than ready. I also learned throughout my time in the hospital that my brother was captured during a product demonstration in Afghanistan, and had already been missing for over 2 months.

I waited for Pepper, Tony's PA and my best friend, to arrive at the hospital so she could bring me some clothes and take me home.

I looked up as I heard a knock on the door and smiled as I saw Pepper standing there, my clothing in hand for me to change into. "Hey, you" she said.

"Pepper! I'm so happy to see you!" I smiled and leaped out of bed and hugged her. "Now, give me this so I can get out of here." I said laughing, grabbing the bag of clothing.

Pepper laughed at me, handing over the clothing, and I went into the bathroom to change. "They found Tony!" She said loudly through the bathroom door. "We're gonna head over to the tarmac to pick him up once we're finished here. Happy's waiting in the car downstairs for us."

"That's great! I was so worried!" I said walking out of the bathroom and throwing my jacket on. "Does he know I'm awake?"

"No, I don't think so." Pepper said, as we walked out of the room.

I started walking over to the nurses desk but Pepper stopped me from doing so and we started walking again.

"I've already checked you out so don't worry about it." She told me.

"Alright thanks Pepper." I said as we walked out the front doors of the hospital. The black Rolls Royce pulled up and Happy got out and opened the back door for Pepper and I.

"Hey Happy!" I said smiling at him as Pepper and I got into the car, Happy nodded and smiled and shut the door behind us. I leaned my head back and sighed in exasperation. "I can't wait to go home."

Half an hour later, we pulled up at the tarmac and onto the airfield where we were picking up Tony. After a few minutes, a plane landed and we got out of the car and stood at the base of the plane. A minute later the back cargo door descended open and Tony aided by Rhodey exited the plane.

A medical team approached them, but Tony quickly and stubbornly waved them off. "Are you kidding me with this? Get rid of them."

Tony stared at me wide-eyed in surprise, "Ho-how? I thought you were in a coma?"

"I woke up a couple weeks ago." I said, pulling him into a hug, which he returned.

Tony looked over at Pepper, who had tears in her eyes. "Hmm." He said. "Your eyes are red. A few tears for your long-lost boss?"

"Tears of joy," Pepper joked. "I hate job hunting."

"Yeah, vacations over." Tony said and walked towards the car, getting in. Pepper and I following suit.

"Where to, sir?" Happy asked, looking through the rearview mirror.

"Take us to the hospital. Please, Happy?" Pepper asked.

"No." Tony said.

"No?" Pepper asked him. "Tony, you have to go to the hospital."

"No is a complete answer" He argued.

"The doctor has to look at you." She argued back.

"I don't have to do anything. I've been in captivity for three months, there are two thing I want to do. I want an American cheeseburger. And the other-" Tony started.

"Tony!" I scolded.

"That's enough of that." Pepper said.

"Is not what you think. I want you to call a press conference now." Tony finished.

"A press conference? What on earth for?" She asked.

"Hogey, drive. Cheeseburger first." Tony said stubbornly. And with that Happy started to drive.

"I would also like a cheeseburger." I said raising my hand laughing at Tony and Pepper squabbling. 

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