preface - a.n

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I meant to make a oneshot. Then it got a bit bigger. And then there were 3 parts. So I turned it into a short story. 

A Fantasy AU if you didn't read the title/desc :O
this is my first time writing fantasy so critisism would be greatly appreciated! 

I rated this story Mature because the first chapter has vivid descriptions of murder and blood. The rest of the story should be fine though! [and I'll try to avoid graphic stuff like this in the future lmao] 

inspired by:  

the time there was a massive influx of Lily GLMVs in the gacha community on youtube. I've decided to put my own take on it 2 years later :D 

:person_fencing: or 🤺  (if you want context i was on discord and there were people having a fight in a channel and they used this emote; it somehow inspired me lmao) 

and Little Nightmares 2 :> 

I made up so much new stuff for the sake for this small story, so I thought not to let it go to waste. Here's a list of some of the new things and terms you'll find in the story. (keep in mind these do NOT actually exist. If I ripped off something that already exists then I apologize) 

yes i know believe it or not this dumb brain was smart enough to make an entire country and ecosystem. 

NOTICE - Please do not steal these ideas! They took me ages to put into coherent words and it wouldn't look good on you if you just took all this and presented it as yours. 


Aliunial - A small [imaginary] country in Europe known for its mythical and monetary components. Previously named Unial as a play on words of 'Unity'; as there has always been Le Sauveterre, a castle protecting the entire country, bringing the surrounding villages together as one. The root, Ali-, meaning "other, different", was added when the avant-garde Forêt Boréale started forming around the castle. 

Le Sauveterre [Safe Land] - The castle located at the center of the country. The Beauman family inhabited the castle of the country long ago, when Aliunial was still known as Unial. Le Sauveterre means the safe land or safe haven, which is what the castle, as well as the country, strives to be. 

Beauman - A french surname directly translating to 'good man', this family is of French origin. Due to their care and prioritizing of safety of their community, they have led as the Royal Family of Aliunial ever since. Beaumans are typically physically skilled, and have good relations to other countries. They are very wealthy and use their money to benefit their country. 

Forêt Boréale [Boreal Forest] - Appeared around the castle as a ring of lilies centuries ago. Slowly but surely, more vegetation grew around Le Sauveterre until an entire frontier was created from the castle and the rest of the country. This forest is mysterious and dangerous, and access to and from the castle is limited due to this. It has been reported to be freezing cold within. Any human that gets lost in the forest has never found their way out. 

More to come later on in the story, but I don't want to give away too much yet ;)  

MCs (main characters) 

Drew Beauman [not his actual last name; just my hc for the sake of this story] 

Hailey Austin 

Jake Sterling  

enjoy :D 

- word count: 582 

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