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I am a Filipino in love with my country; 
who abhors oppression and debauchery;
our past they stole and a future we neglected;
how pray tell can we fix what has ended? 

closed minds, eyes, hearts and soul;
if not us, who'd you think will take the fall?
I worry for the sake of our future; 
outdated traditions & beliefs seen as nature. 

do you not wish to be free from an oppressor? 
centuries of suffering from a nameless stature; 
I am a Filipino who loves my roots; 
yet elites & colonizers reduce it all to soot. 

lies and deceit over centuries they fed; 
erase the history of how our ancestors bled; 
will you remain silent in front of the oppressor? 
stay voiceless, even your dignity they conquer. 

— Anastacia

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