How is this possible?!

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Your POV-

" Bucky?! How are you here alive?! Why didn't you come home?!"

" I'm sorry do I know you?"

" buck it's me.... Alex your wife!"

" woah wait she speaks English?! Seriously this whole time you just had us use Friday as a translator." Tony said and it pissed me off! How is my husband alive?! next thing I knew was my hand was around Tony's throat.

" how is he alive! I watched him die! DARKSIDE KILLED HIM!"

" woah woah woah calm down! Put him down and tell us your story and maybe we can help you." Steve said I put Tony down as sat on the couch. Bucky sat across from me confused.

" I don't even know how I really got here. One minute I'm fighting one of dark sides minions and the next I'm falling out of the sky."

" you guys aren't supposed to be here. We're is Barry, Kara, Oliver! The justice league! Why is he alive omg omgggg! I'm officially crazy it finally happened!" I spoke to them but mostly to myself.

" hey come on your not crazy just confused." Sam said and then it clicked my husband shouldn't be alive I watched him die.

" wait you guys don't know who the justice league is do you?" I said smiling

" no " they all said

" the flash? Supergirl? Superman? Green arrow? White wolf? "

" well they call me the white wolf in wakanda but my alias is the winter soldier." Bucky finally spoke up I smiled at him my theory was confirmed.

" ahahahahaha yes! I figured it out oh Barry is gonna be so jealous!"

" what are you talking about?!"

" the multiverse me and Barry made a hole in the multiverse !! Ok ok I'll explain since you all still think I'm crazy." I grabbed a marker and walked over to the window.

" ok so basically there is this theory that there are millions of earths but each one vibrates at a different frequency. Therefore they can't see each other. There are millions of earths with millions of different possibilities. So maybe on one earth everyone is evil or one were everyone can fly. Or like my earth were it's not the avengers it's the justice league and on every earth there is a different version of everyone. A doppelganger.On my earth Bucky was my husband he went by the white wolf. He died a while back while in battle against darkside . He was stabbed through the heart In front of my eyes. It was supposed to be me." I realized I was now crying and quickly wiped my tears.

" I need you guys help to get back to my earth we are still fighting a war against darkside. And  I'm going to kill that son of a bitch for what he did to my husband."

" well you can stay here while we figure out how to get you to your earth. And what do you go as on your earth." Asked Nat who I could tell was the glue of the team.

" my alias is chaos i am a witch essentially with a little extra kick. But my real name is Alex Barnes but recently I changed back to my maiden name Gonzales."

" A witch?" Said Wanda and I instantly recognized she was the one who I made feel her  pain. I looked her in the eye and both of our eyes glowed hers red mine purple.

" where are we?"

" in my mind I'm showing you my pain it's only fair since I made you feel all of yours at once."


Alex age 5

" ewwww stinky Alex with the freaky hair! Hey everyone Alex's hair is purple because her mommy left her! Hahahahahaha!"

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