Can we please talk?

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Bucky POV-

Im still so confused about this whole multiverse situation. But mostly I feel bad for Alex she's gone through so much. I'm trying to stay away from her as much as possible I know it must be hard to look at me and see the face of the man she loved and then watched die. Its hard though because something about her makes me want to make sure she's ok. I want to hug her and tell her everything will be alright. That we'll get her home. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating a plum instead of sleeping. Nightmares.

" h-hi I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt I'll I'll go." Alex stuttered but I didn't want her to go. In fact I found her stuttering..... cute.

" no no it's ok can I help you look for something?"

" I just came to get some water I couldn't really sleep. Nightmares..... of him."

" I understand. I'm sorry."

" for what?"

" for looking like him."

" no it's ok really. It's nice actually to see his face again. You should smile though because if it's anything like his it could cure cancer." I couldn't help but smile at her analogy she was different.

" woah you see! I don't have cancer but I certainly feel better. Thank you. I hope you don't think I'm crazy!"

" no no i don't." I chuckled

" but i think it's best if we stay away from each other. I don't want to give you any wrong impression. And I really think we should just focus on getting you home." I don't know why I said that but I knew I couldn't be with her. Not even as friends. Not when she's just going to leave.

" oh um ok." She said instantly saddened she left the kitchen without her water.

I decided to take her some but when I got to her room all I heard was silenced sniffling and sobs. I just walked with the water. I'm sorry I'm not him.

Your POV-

I don't know why but it hurt so much. To
See my husband..... buckys face tell me
To stay away. How can I do that when all I wanna do is grab his face and kiss him. And say " I'm sorry I'm sorry for not listening I should have listened. I'm sorry I failed you and her she would have been beautiful and sweet just like you. I miss you so much and I'm sorry." But I can't because it's not him. He's gone. Bucky is someone completely different.

Even if I wanted to get to know him I can't. He doesn't want me to and I can't force him. He's not my husband.

In the morning

" ok so today after breakfast I need Alex, Bruce, and I'll get shuri on the line to help. You've got 2 hours and then I want you guys in my lab. This isn't going to be easy and if Alex's people are fighting a war we don't have a lot of time." Tony said at the breakfast table we all nodded our heads and I headed to my room and started the shower. I thank fully had my phone so I put on some music.

" i knew a boy once when I was small a tow-head blonde with eyes of salt. He played the drum in the marching band. His parents cared more about the Bible than being good to their own child. He wore long sleeves cause of his dad.

And some how we fell out of touch hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush. Don't know if I'll see you again someday but if you out there, I hope that your ok"

I sang along to the beautiful song that always seems to make me emotional. I got out of the shower my purple hair dripping water as I wrapped a towel around my self. My phone is more advanced than the ones on this earth so I can project pictures and videos into holograms. I projected a video Kara took of me and Bucky dancing in the rain at our wedding. That was single handily one of the best days of my life.

The video

" hahaha come on buck one last dance before the honeymoon!"

" ok ok but why are we going outside?!"

" because the sky is crying! And it's beautiful come on!"

*They slow dance and kiss in the rain*

" ahahaaahhaa put me down your gonna drop me!"

" never doll!"

" i love you so much James Buchanan Barnes!"

" and i love you Alexis Barnes with all my heart!"

End of video

" god i miss you so much every day buck."

" hey sorry i didn-"

" OMG! Jesus you scared me Wanda!"

" sorry!! You looked beautiful by the way ..... at your wedding. You both looked so in love."

" thank you we were." I said smiling teary eyed.

" did you need something Wanda?"

" oh right um well we know you've been having a rough time. So me and Nat are going to take you shopping we still have about an hour and a half before your meeting with Tony."

" um ok but who's we?"

" not important just get dressed quick we don't have alot of time."

" ok?!"

15 minutes later

I ended up borrowing some clothes from Wanda.

We've been to 9 stores in an hour and my hands cannot physically carry another bag.

On our way back to the compound Nat finally starts interrogating me.

" so Alex what's It like on your earth?"

" it's a lot like here except the avengers don't exist and our technology is more advanced."

" so how did you and your earths Bucky meet?"

" NAT!"

" it's ok Wanda she just wants to make sure I'm trustworthy. I joined the justice league when I was 18 they found me in a homeless shelter having a power breakdown. Basically someone got me mad and I couldn't control myself. They took me back to the justice hall. It's basically like the avengers tower but much bigger. When I got there they decided to train me and house me since I was so young. Bucky was only 20 when I got taken in but he was extremely advanced in hand to hand combat amongst other things. He trained me for a year before I switched to a different trainer so I could finally ask him out. We dated for a few years and then got married. He was my first love and I'll never forget him."

" I'm so sorry for what happened to him." Nat said as she smiled at me sympathetically.

" it's fine it was my fault. I guess all I can do now is get home and finish this god damn war and kill darkside myself."

We got to the tower and I quickly ran to my room with the hundreds of bags.

* boom*

" owwww! My head! Crap I'm so sorry...."

" it's fine doll."

" doll....."

" yea that's what I said?"

" I'm sorry I half to go I'm late." I ran to my room tears streaming down my face. No one has ever called me that no one other than.....him.

I get in the elevator to go down to Tony's lab. I'm already 15 minutes late. I needed a moment after my interaction with Bucky.

" hey im so sorry im late! Wanda and Nat took me shopping and I had like 80 bags and-"

" it's fine we already know they told us." Bruce said.

" let's get started ladies and gentlemen." Tony said

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