Knowing Each Other

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Next morning I wake to see Najya sleeping beside me. 

ME: *thinks* wow he looks so peaceful

I get up and try to walk but stumble and fall.

Najya: hahahahahahaha......omg, sorry, are you fine?🤣🤣

ME: do you think I am? Help me!

Najya: Yea sorry

He helps me up and helps me to the washroom and then back to the bed.

Najya: So you wont be able to walk today as well....

ME: Yea I guess

Soon after he comes out of the washroom, he carries me down for breakfast.

Damn he looked so hot.

As we finish breakfast, he carries me back to the bedroom and sits next to me on the bed. 

ME: So, why did you bring me to your house?

Najya: ............

ME: *ahem* NAJYA! 

Najya: yeah?

ME:  I know you heard me. Why did you bring me to your house instead of taking me to a hospital.

Najya: Well, you were hurt and nobody was around to help.

ME: you could have taken me to the hospital.

Najya: That doesn't sound sensible! I don't have an answer to that.

ME: hmm ok. But why did you offer me to join your mafia gang?

Najya: Guuurl you know your badass!

ME: Sheesh!!!

ME: and what about you calling me cute? What was that?

Najya: *looks at his phone* I didn't call you cute.

ME: Look at me mister!

Najya: *looks and starts blushing* 

ME: Wooaaah! I seriously didn't see that one coming!

Najya: ...........don't you know how beautiful you are?

ME: you think so?

Najya: of course! your just perfect. your beautiful yet badass and im going crazy over you already.

ME: Daamn.....ok so a MAFIA boss is in loooovvee....

Najya: ok enough. I gotta go now. See you around 8. You know if your bored you can just look around the house and go out if you feel, just as my driver hell take you out. My credit card is in the closet. Enjoy!

ME: wow thanks. see you later. Bye.

After a while I take a shower and see a nice new outfit hanging in the closet. 

I change into it and drying and comb my hair and slowly walk downstairs.

I sit on the couch and watch a movie while i eat some snacks.

After a while I get bored and just scroll through my phone for a while.

Then Najya's driver comes in.

Driver: Hope you are fine ma'am.

ME: I am, thank you.

Driver: Boss asked me to check if you wanted anything or wanted to go out ma'am.

ME: Pls don't call me ma'am. Its Sophia.

Driver: sure Sophia.

ME: where can I go?

Driver: What about the mall?

ME: perfect! 

As the driver starts the car I get in the backseat and he drives me to the mall.

At the mall I shop at Sephora and H&M and buy myself a few cute outfits. I have my lunch at the mall and get back at 7.30pm

I'm just standing at the window in the bedroom admiring the city and I don't hear Najya come into the room.

As he touches me on the shoulder I panic and my self-defense comes into action.

I twist his hand, bringing him in front of me and kick him in the crotch

He slowly fell to the ground groaning in pain. As soon as I saw him, I realized what I had done and helped him get up apologizing.

ME: Shitttt! I am so sorry Najya. I didn't know it was you. I just got scared. I'm so sorry. 

Najya: aaaahhh! Why does this feel so good but hurt so bad???!!!!

Hearing him scream, his bodyguard comes into the room.

Bodyguard: BOSS are you fine?!!

And he points a gun at me.

ME: Kill me pls. I'm tired of this life!


The bodyguard puts his gun down and leaves the room on the order of his boss.

As I start to tear up remembering my past, Najya seats me down.

Najya: OK OK why are you crying now?!

Najya: Did you get scared because of the gun?

ME: Guns don't scare me, but my past just hurts really bad whenever I think of it.

Najya: Don't worry. Just a few more days and you'll forget all about it. I promise the future is way better. Pls stop crying.

ME: hmm. 

He holds my hand and tries to kiss it.

ME: ummm....... too early. 

Najya: Sorry I just got carried away.

Then I show him the stuff I bought today. 

Then we have dinner and chill in the bedroom.

ME: So, what kind of business are you into?

Najya: Guns, bombs and criminals.

ME: nice. Btw you seem pretty young for being into mafia and already having so much.

Najya: This was my dad's business but he died in a shootout when I was 11 y/o .

ME: So you have been all alone since you were 11?

Najya: Umm yea. My dad's best friend managed the business until I was 15 and then I overtook.

ME: Wow. Your life pretty much sounds like mine. I have been alone too. No siblings or friends.

Najya: I know, that's when you get a heart of stone.

ME: True. 

Najya: But I think you are turning my heart from stone to glass.

ME: huhh?!!

Najya: I really love you and I know its just been 2 days but I have never found someone like you.  You really set my heart on fire and today there was a particular type of excitement the entire day. I just wanted to get back home as soon as possible to spend time with you or even look at your beautiful face.

ME: Well ok but I think we could like get to know each other first.

Najya: what about we exchange numbers first so I can ask you directly how you are instead of asking my driver or maid.

He giggles and I just give him a light smile.

So we exchange numbers and soon after we go to sleep.

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