Just Friends

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Nic: Hold up, you mean as friends right?

Mattia: But I didn't expect my name there.

Najya: You're clearly not sure of things Sophia.

ME: Can I please explain?
First off, I had lost all my faith in love after trying it on my parents and all I got was hatred and pain. Yes, I am not sure of things because I don't know if this is love worth it. 
When I first saw Najya, I felt something that I had never felt before. He gave me so much happiness and I was probably lost in my dream life.
Then when I started getting close to Nic, I realised he was very similar to Najya so I started liking him.
Mattia, you came in even before Nic. It was at the party. My eyes were on you the entire time. 

Najya: I don't think you actually like any of us. It's probably just instant attraction.

Nic: Exactly. Love is totally different Sophia. This is more like friends.

ME: So, can't we just be friends?

Mattia: NO! Being friends with a person you have feelings for. We have liked you and not the way you like us. 

ME: We try atleast.

Najya: It's going to be a torture...........but fine, just for you.

ME: Maybe after some time, if I actually have feelings for any one of you guys, then we can take it forward.

Nic: So, now what?
I mean where are you going to stay?

ME: I am fine with anything. You guys decide.

Najya: Let it just get back to how it was.

Mattia: She has stayed with you already Najya. Let her stay here for once atleast.

Nic: So she has stayed with you as well Mattia. 

ME: SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!! I'll go live by myself.

Najya: Where?!

ME: You don't have to worry. I can take care of myself.

Nic: But don't make this as an excuse to get away from us.

ME: I stick to my word. I am not going to any other country. We'll obviously be close so we can hangout. I can come over to your house sometime. 

Najya: hmm ok, but do you know how to drive?

ME: Yeah. 
Are we done yet?

Mattia: Yeah.

All of us leave Mattia's house and head back to the city.

The car ride is pretty quite.

We reach Najya's house and I pack my stuff and hug each of them and leave.

It doesn't take much time to find myself a house.

I sure had a lot of money saved up from the online work I did while I was with my parents. 

But I decide to get myself a job first before using up all my savings.

I go for a few interviews the next few days and decide to stay away from Najya, Nic and Mattia just for a few days for a break.

I finally got a job that paid well.

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