the sun will come out

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Author: aloneintherain

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Author: aloneintherain

Words: 4271

Tags: #PeterBeingActuallyTakenCareOfByTheAvengersAmen, #ProtectiveAvengers, #TeamFic, #TeamAsFamily, #Fluff, #SamIsAnAvenger, #PeterIsAnAvenger, #AvengersRecruitmentDrive


The waiter stared, glasses slipping down his nose, before narrowing his eyes. "Get the heck out."

"'Heck,'" Clint said, eyeing Peter's attire with raised brows. "Wow. And look at your little waiter get up! Isn't he adorable?"

"The cutest," Natasha agreed.

"Out," Peter repeated.

(The Avengers bombard Peter's place of employment, meet his awful boss, and ruin a man's life. Peter quietly suffers.)

Status: Complete


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That bish had it coming.

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