Part One: Life

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Disclaimer- I do not own Rent-A-Girlfriend nor any of the characters that reside in the franchise.

Growing up, Kazuya Kinoshita didn't have it easy. His father left him before he was born, so it was always Kazuya and his mother, living in a small, worn-out apartment. His mother struggled to provide for him, but with the help  of his grandmother sending them money, they were barely able to pass by.
When he was five, his mom met someone from her job, and hung out with him constantly every Saturday until eventually he had moved into their apartment. At first, he seemed like a nice guy, but after settling in..Kazuya and his mother started to see the real him: he was an arrogant drunk, taking out his anger on the two of them. Kazuya's mother wanted him out of the house, but was too afraid to stand up to him. He yelled at her all the time, whenever she forgot to buy more beer or when she failed to 'satisfy' him in bed.
On the other hand, Kazuya received it worse. If he were to make the smallest mistake in front of him, the man would stop whatever he would be doing (usually sat all day on the couch with a beer in hand) and beat him with his fists, yelling at him nonsense such as ¨ You pathetic little s**t, no wonder your father left" or ¨ Can't you do anything right?!¨. It was a daily thing for Kazuya, and every night he would be held in his motherś arms as she did her best to heal the bruises.
This went on until one day, while Kazuya was walking with his mom to the grocery store, she suddenly collapsed onto the ground. She was unconscious, but the seven year-old was crying and screaming at her to wake up.
¨ Wake up, Mommy!", he pleaded as he tried shaking her. His screaming brought the attention of those around him, who then proceeded to call 911. Soon after, Kazuya was sitting alongside one of the nurses in the waiting room of a hospital.
Ÿou're a brave boy, you know. Your mommy will be okay.¨ She tried comforting the little boy, who was still trembling in his chair. He wanted to know where his mother was, to hold her hand,to see for himself that she was indeed doing okay. The doors swung open, and one of the doctors called up the nurse who was sitting next to him. ¨I'll be right back sweetie.¨ As she left, Kazuya began to feel the fear grow inside him; the feeling of being alone and helpless. He despised it so much. It caused him to tremble a bit more. Although the nurse and doctor were afar from where he was sitting, he could overhear a bit from their conversation.
¨ ... saw something...needed to put her...emergency...cancer..¨ He wasn't sure what the doctor was talking about, but based on the nurse's reaction it wasn't good. ¨ husband... emergency contacts....Ms. Nagomi Kinoshita... two hours from here...¨
2 months later..

Kazuya's mother had been staying at the hospital since the incident after being diagnosed with stage 3 Melanoma, and had apparently begun to transition into the fourth stage. Unfortunately, there was very little the doctors could do for her, but still were trying their best. She spent most of her days in the hospital bed, staring out the window of her empty room. After the incident, Kazuya's grandmother had taken him with her back to her house,  agreeing to watch over him until she got better. The man who had been staying with them had left them as soon as he heard that she had been hospitalized, so there really was no other choice.
Nagomi was a bit hesitant in the beginning, but after learning about what had happened, she promised to take care of him, and also began to find herself becoming attached to him. Kazuya hadn't seen his grandmother that often before, so at first he was a bit shy around her, but as he began to learn what kind of person she was, he grew to love her, and vice versa. One time, as she was washing his back, she noticed a few bumps on his back. After they finished and he had changed, Nagomi asked him about it which caused him to shake. She could see a few tears starting to build up, and she pulled him into a hug as he sobbed.
¨ Itś okay my child. Forget that I asked.¨, she was generally confused about why he was crying. He stayed in her arms for a few minutes sobbing until he looked up.
¨ G-grandma...s-something...happened..¨
A few months later

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